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Da Nao Tian Gong -- The Monkey King - Uproar In Heaven (1965) RESTORATION <em>v2</em> (Released)
satanika said:

These are the episodes I know of from Shanghai Animation Film Studio:
1941  Tie Shan Gong Zhu (Princess Iron Fan)
1958  Zhu Bajie eats a watermelon (cutout animation)
1964  Da Nao Tian Gong (Uproar in Heaven / The Monkey King)
1981  Sun Wu Kong Tou Chi Ren Shen Guo (Ginseng Fruit)
1985  Jin Hou Xiang Yao (The Monkey King Conquers the Bone Demon)
198?  Sun Wu Kong Da Zhan Huo Yan Shan
198?  Sun Wu Kong Yu San Jian Bao
198?  Sun Wu Kong Qi Yu Xiao Ding Ding

The problem is that besides some of the episodes being very difficult to obtain, most have no subtitles of any kind. And unfortunately I don't know anyone who could translate them... I think there are 4 ~40mins eps with only Mandarin audio and no subs. So for those to happen I would definitely need a translator...

I still plan to do (at least) Ginseng Fruit and the alternate versions I have of The Monkey King Conquers the Bone Demon, not sure when I will get around to it though.

Also there's this:
1979 Ne Zha Nao Hai / Nezha Conquers the Dragon King / Little Nezha Fights Great Dragon Kings (BBC title)

Not the Monkey King, but it's very nice. The Chinese dvd is actually very good, but it's only the fullscreen version. I have a copy of the theatrical/widescreen version (not super great quality, but still) and hope to do that as well at some point, and also include the BBC dub.




Wow, all these guys love Journey to the West and Monkey King so much! I checked and found information from internet which is about the episodes you mentioned.

1958  Sun Wu Kong Da Zhan Huo Yan Shan (the correct name of this film should be: Huo Yan Shan-the Flaming Mountain, tell the story of Monkey King conquers the Flaming Mountain which is based on Journey to the West ,actually it is a puppet show)

1989  Sun Wu Kong Yu San Jian Bao Bei (Monkey King and 3 magic weapons--a story based on Journey to the West)

1980  Sun Wu Kong Qi Yu Xiao Ding Ding (the correct name of this film should be: Ding Ding Zhan Hou Wang---Ding Ding(a boy's name) compete against Monkey King---based on a science fiction named "jonior Sun and Senior Sun"--because Ding Ding's surname is Sun, so it is same as Monkey King's surname.


Sorry, my English is not good enough to be a translator!