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Star Wars Laser Disc Audio Archive (Released)

Thanks schorman again for an awesome body of work.  I know there is discussions of a “Version 2 recreation" for Empire and Jedi over on h_h’s 70mm thread.  I haven’t seen any new information there for a while (maybe people are waiting to see what happens with speculations of 2015 retail releases?).  

Anyway, I’m wondering if there would be interest in a lossless version of Empire/Jedi continuing on h_h’s ideas (i.e. using improved surround decoder as per SW’77 70mm recreation "2nd/new version").  

Are the ’93 LD sources still considered a good starting point -- for Empire and Jedi I mean? For the LFE channel, I would probably use the 97SE 5.1 (LD’s?).  Would there be a worthwhile benefit to using 2011 BD to source an (essentially 97SE) lossless LFE track?

If I missed anything or if anyone knows that h_h is still working on new version of Empire/Jedi please let me know, I'll just wait.  

Info Wanted: Your 'go to' versions of the PT

Long time lurker - first time poster... Was wondering if anyone has watched the 'Reconstructed' PT by Atlantis and others? ( OT.com/fan-edits/fan-project-details.cfm/Fan-Edits/title/Star-Wars-Episode-III-Revenge-of-the-Sith-Reconstr/project/388/category/4/ )

I didn't find much discussion of it and I could only see on OT.com (not 'the other one' - FE.org). I thought I might  do a review of it if no one has already...  

Also, so I can compare it to something... if anyone has HAL 9000's new PT would they be willing to put on a.b.s ?