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vada hada

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Original trilogy
I originally posted this in the general disscussion forum, but they told me to move here, so here it is:

I'm sure there has been a thread like this before, but why do you guys care so much about lucas releasing the original trilogy? The changes he made were good and bad, but overal, they don't effect the movie that much. The movies are still good with the changes. George Lucas is a creative director. He is a perfectionist, but if he wasn't the star wars movies necer would have been good tin the first place. If you can't enjoy the movies with the changes he made, then you're just in a bad mind set

That said, no offense to anyone.

May the force be with you.
original trilogy - why do you care so much?

I’m sure there has been a thread like this before, but why do you guys care so much about lucas releasing the original trilogy? The changes he made were good and bad, but overal, they don’t effect the movie that much. The movies are still good with the changes. George Lucas is a creative director. He is a perfectionist, but if he wasn’t the star wars movies necer would have been good tin the first place. If you can’t enjoy the movies with the changes he made, then you need to go on ebay and buy the originals.

That said, no offense to anyone.

May the force be with you.