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The Mono Mix Restoration Project (Released)

MaestroDavros said:

Martinbrianpanglernyman said:

Is there anybody that could reupload the restoredmonomix file? Since it seems to be automatic synced to the the dvdrip versions, Im looking for the original unaltered file, thats not automatically time deleayed…im going to sync it with a vhsrip and not a dvdrip.

Allready got a demuxed file from the rebillion dvd and also got a demuxed file from the star wars despecialized edition v2.5 - but if I understand it correctly these audiofiles are stretced to match dvdrips/laserdiscrips and so on…if im trying to put these demuxed files on my pal vhsrip they keep getting out of sync by a minutte or so, no matter what im trying.

Please help with an upload of the original non stretched file.

Unfortunately, I believe what you are looking for may not exist. A few years ago I managed to get in contact with Belbucus and he kindly provided me with several files for use in my ongoing restoration of the mono mix. Along with the raw TV sources he also sent his restored version with and without final mastering (noise reduction, additional EQ, etc.), and both of these were already GOUT synced. That is to say they were in NTSC speed undoing the PAL speedup inherent in both off-air tapes. So I doubt a version of the restoration was assembled at PAL speed, I may be wrong. In addition, while both PAL, neither broadcast source (Moth3r’s UK broadcast and Allan Mikkelsen’s Danish broadcast) is complete and would need to be synced to whichever VHS you are currently using anyway.

To be honest, your best bet would be to take one of the mono files you have and change the speed to match whatever sync your source has.

Thank you for the feedback. Problem is fixed.

Puggo GRANDE - 16mm restoration (Released)

stretch009 said:

stretch009 said:

Okay, for you non-Spleen people that would like MKV’s of the Puggo Star Wars Trilogy I uploaded mine to MEGA. Please private message me for links and keep unnecessary posts to a minimum. If some folks would like to help me out in sharing the links that would be appreciated. Oh, and each movie is a separate download.

I just re-uploaded the MKV trilogy so PM me if you want them…

I have send you are private message

The Mono Mix Restoration Project (Released)

Is there anybody that could reupload the restoredmonomix file? Since it seems to be automatic synced to the the dvdrip versions, Im looking for the original unaltered file, thats not automatically time deleayed…im going to sync it with a vhsrip and not a dvdrip.

Allready got a demuxed file from the rebillion dvd and also got a demuxed file from the star wars despecialized edition v2.5 - but if I understand it correctly these audiofiles are stretced to match dvdrips/laserdiscrips and so on…if im trying to put these demuxed files on my pal vhsrip they keep getting out of sync by a minutte or so, no matter what im trying.

Please help with an upload of the original non stretched file.

Info: Disney foreign dubs - and preservation

leoforli said:

Hi @Redbreast1,

I have the original 1938 dub of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs with Annie Jessen. A friend of mine has the movie in a 35mm print from the 60’s and he recorded the audio of it and send me 😃

About Pinocchio, I know someone that has both first dub. The 1947/1950 from a scan and the 1978 with Daimi from a 16mm print. I would love to hear both version too, the old Danish versions are AMAZING!

About the others ones, I’m very happy that you find on VHS! Can you send please? I’m a disney foreign dub collector too and I wanna to finish my Danish dubs

session 😄 Can you send me the VHSrip of Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp and Pinocchio please? Recently I’ve found the old Norwegian dub of Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan and Fun and Fancy Free, I have all these dubs in VHSrips, I can send to you if you want!


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