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Lord of the Rings 35mm (FOTR/TTT/ROTK/FOTREXT released)

Fullmetaled said:

felpotomous said:

Fullmetaled said:

If only the extended cuts film prints were out there. šŸ˜¦

Iā€™m tempted to try and edit together an extended using these 35mm scans as the core. A friend has a really great program that processes natural looking film grain onto digital sources. Might try a test and see how well I can match it up. If I can find the time!

Is it possible for you to do it in 4k with hdr or Dolby vision?

No such thing as Lotr in 4k, it was finished at 1080p.

Hobbit Unexpected Journey scan [FUNDRAISER]

I have acquired a copy of this film and would like to defray the costs of scanning. After watching the 4K Middle Earth set, I was dismayed that they had been changed from the blu-rays. And while the blu-rays are absolutely fine for me, I wanted to do a 35mm scan of H:AUJ while I could. I have had scans done through people on this site before, so I am a quiet, but known, quantity here.

If youā€™re interested the costs are roughly 900 for the scan (~180 mins, 5$/min), 800 for the print (already in my possession) and about 700 for shipping it around North America (all figures USD). The print is reported to have ā€œexcellentā€ color.

If there is enough interest to pay for the whole thing, then Iā€™d make it a priority. If thereā€™s little interest, it would be put on the backburner. Obviously the scannerā€™s level of busyness is key as well.

Those who express interest in the thread will be PMā€™d, I can share my Paypal, and then your username will be added to this post.

Contributions: 0/2400

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