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UPSCALE X (WiP): Star Trek Enterprise - Warp 5.X (High Definition Upscale in 4K & 1080pHD)

Hello Community,

I know I have been a no-show for a veeery long time and I am really sorry about that.

To clarify: I never stopped working on this and other projects, I have been “taking a break” (longer than expected, but still, “just” a break).

Why? I have been moving clear across the country, relocating my business and private life whilst trying to keep my family from breaking apart. I was not (and still isn’t) easy, which resulted in me leaving for a while.

There were days when I considered returning to my projects on upscaling - but something always got in the way of that.

Now I am doing better: My business is going good again and my private life (mostly) settled in.

As for the upscaling: I developed a new workflow, improving overall quality. I also bought new hardware in the hopes of accelerating the process.

But I must admit - I really lost count on how many attempts and projects I had going - therefore I will be creating a new alias under the name of “Leland Kovich”, posting new projects soon, replacing the old ones.
Just be on the lookout for me, I will be back 😉

See you guys soon!

Star Trek Voyager: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (a WIP)

Hello Community,

I know I have been a no-show for a veeery long time and I am really sorry about that.

To clarify: I never stopped working on this and other projects, I have been “taking a break” (longer than expected, but still, “just” a break).

Why? I have been moving clear across the country, relocating my business and private life whilst trying to keep my family from breaking apart. I was not (and still isn’t) easy, which resulted in me leaving for a while.

There were days when I considered returning to my projects on upscaling - but something always got in the way of that.

Now I am doing better: My business is going good again and my private life (mostly) settled in.

As for the upscaling: I developed a new workflow, improving overall quality. I also bought new hardware in the hopes of accelerating the process.

But I must admit - I really lost count on how many attempts and projects I had going - therefore I will be creating a new alias under the name of “Leland Kovich”, posting new projects soon, replacing the old ones.
Just be on the lookout for me, I will be back 😉

See you guys soon!

Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (a WIP)

Hello Community,

I know I have been a no-show for a veeery long time and I am really sorry about that.

To clarify: I never stopped working on this and other projects, I have been “taking a break” (longer than expected, but still, “just” a break).

Why? I have been moving clear across the country, relocating my business and private life whilst trying to keep my family from breaking apart. I was not (and still isn’t) easy, which resulted in me leaving for a while.

There were days when I considered returning to my projects on upscaling - but something always got in the way of that.

Now I am doing better: My business is going good again and my private life (mostly) settled in.

As for the upscaling: I developed a new workflow, improving overall quality. I also bought new hardware in the hopes of accelerating the process.

But I must admit - I really lost count on how many attempts and projects I had going - therefore I will be creating a new alias under the name of “Leland Kovich”, posting new projects soon, replacing the old ones.
Just be on the lookout for me, I will be back 😉

See you guys soon!

Babylon 5: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (DVD 16:9 & HD 4:3 Fusion) (a WIP)

Hello Community,

I know I have been a no-show for a veeery long time and I am really sorry about that.

To clarify: I never stopped working on this and other projects, I have been “taking a break” (longer than expected, but still, “just” a break).

Why? I have been moving clear across the country, relocating my business and private life whilst trying to keep my family from breaking apart. I was not (and still isn’t) easy, which resulted in me leaving for a while.

There were days when I considered returning to my projects on upscaling - but something always got in the way of that.

Now I am doing better: My business is going good again and my private life (mostly) settled in.

As for the upscaling: I developed a new workflow, improving overall quality. I also bought new hardware in the hopes of accelerating the process.

But I must admit - I really lost count on how many attempts and projects I had going - therefore I will be creating a new alias under the name of “Leland Kovich”, posting new projects soon, replacing the old ones.
Just be on the lookout for me, I will be back 😉

See you guys soon!

Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (a WIP)

Yeah, I am truly sorry, but my head was in so many places I could hardly keep things straight at times. Right now I am constantly travelling between 4-5 hours (depending on traffic, which only means getting there, there are still 4-5 hours getting back) between my present and future home, at least once a month.
I am still working full time at my present home town (which is also where my business is located) and also trying to fix up the house where my future business and home will be.

So, whenever I can upscale stuff, I will let the automation do most of it, but I have little time to check and/or upload.
But I will try to fit that in somewhere.

I just hope you guys can be patient with me, since I have all sorts of deadlines to keep which take precedence at the moment.

But don’t worry, I will get around to it 😉

Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (a WIP)

Actually, I am moving across the country at the moment, so I can’t really do much with regards to uploading or responding. It’s both my business and my private home so a looot of work.
But I have finished upscaling both the first season of Deep Space Nine and Voyager.
I haven’t abandoned the project, no worries.

I will get back to it asap.

Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (a WIP)

Thanks to all for your continued patience. Right now it’s only a matter of final adjustments - I am still trying to find the right balance for the color grading, since that is also influenced by the new workflow (which is definitely done).

The other thing is: I will leave some small errors in, since handy-replacing scenes is incredibly time-consuming and not worth spending hours on a split second visual problem.

Don’t worry, I will have stuff for you all soon.

Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (a WIP)

Hello community.

I have been tinkering with my upscaling process for the better part of the last months, trying to get something more out of it and I think I’ve succeeded.

Below you can find my latest comparison images from the pilot episode “Emissary” of the show “Star Trek - Deep Space Nine”.

While there are still some issues that I will have to tackle (grain addition and probably hand replacing some difficult scenes like the holodeck aka “The Bane of my existence”), I think the new workflow works pretty well on most things (except for the low detail font/writing on consoles and such, but I think I can live with that), but I had to admit defeat on my color grading efforts, since they yielded so wildly different results I will now limit myself on small adjustments only in order to keep things closer to the original.

Anyway, let me know what you think.

Here are the comparions (with slider):

Star Trek Voyager: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (a WIP)

Hello community.

Just finished doing the final tweaks on my workflow. I replaced the PAL-VFX with the corresponding NTSC-VFX to increase fluidity of motion. I also added more professionally purchased grain to combat the artificial wax look.

New comparison images can bwe found here:

Video sample (PAL-DVD in 720x540p; free, no password):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/l7me3nollnuscne/Caretaker PAL-DVD - Through the Galaxy.mkv?dl=0

Video sample (4K Upscale in 2880x2160p; free, no password):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwue43x9ri5hncp/Caretaker 4K Upscale - Through the Galaxy.mkv?dl=0

I just thought I provide both images and a short clip, since everything looks different when in motion - please be advised that the PAL-DVD clip runs at 25 FPS with higher pitched voices while the 4K Upscale has been restored to 23,976 FPS with lowered/corrected pitch to sound like the original (as it should).

Have fun and let me know what you think.

Star Trek Voyager: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (a WIP)

Thanks guys, you are very kind. I am really sorry I haven’t been in touch. I was worried you guys were mad at me for starting off by doin a lot of stuff and then (at least for the last couple of months) being a no-show.

Well, Covid has not been kind to me.

I have recovered for the most part, but unfortunately (to this day) suffer from very nasty long-term problems: Chronic fatique, difficulties concentrating and sometimes problems finding the right words when speaking.
As you can imagine, owning your own business and then having to adjust to that is a real bitch.

Also, it affected my line of work here: I wanted to boil things down a bit, not just for the sake of efficiency, but also since I now have to immediately write everything down, otherwise I might forget how I did things or where I was in the workflow.

Anyway, I am back now and happy to continue my efforts. As soon as the pilot (and more episodes) is (are) done, I will let you know.

Star Trek Voyager: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (a WIP)

Hey there community.

It’s been a very long time since I was able to post something due to health issues.

But now I am back and wanted to share some quick test results upscaling the Star Trek Voyager pilot “Caretaker”.
I tried to simplify my workflow and still get good results.

Let me know what you think, image link below (with slider ; left image is PAL-DVD, right image is Upscale to 4K).
