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Master Lawdog

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

If true, a mistake. At what point do you notice it’s not there? Like what part of the movie?

Hard to say. I can’t exactly remember the original look of the Blu-ray, but I did wonder why Exegol was looking very blue in the end than gray. I think it’s when Rey arrives in the X-wing up to when the fleet arrives. It might be best to double check the sequence when the Ghosts arrive, because the LUT is there after Palpatine is dead.

Harry Potter: Enhanced Editions (Audiobooks) (Released)

Supahai said:

I’ve just finished listening to the last book. Thank you so much for your hard work on all the books. You got better and better in my opinion and I will probably keep listening and recommending your work. Is there any other project you’re working on or you’ve finished? Thanks again, you’re awesome!

Thank you so much for the kind compliments. Currently, I’ve been working on updating my own personal Star Wars edits, though I also need to get back and tend to the Batman projects I announced almost two years ago.

Harry Potter: Enhanced Editions (Audiobooks) (Released)

Doctor M said:

Master Lawdog said:

Doctor M said:

Master Lawdog said:

So this just got announced today. I’m honestly not sure how I feel about it.


Yeah, I got a facebook ad about it today. Kind of why I stopped working so hard on projects.

What do you mean?

That you’ve worked really hard for a great way of listening to the Potter books and now a commercial high budget version is going to come out.
Maybe yours will be better just because of your efforts plus movie, video games and Stephen Fry, but it’ll definitely become less sought after.

You are correct about more people wanting these new audiobooks, but I’m not going to say this project is better, though. I’m glad to hear it is for you.

Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

I honestly don’t remember the reasoning at this point, as it was close to a decade ago. I think it felt more right for the DS to be there due to audience expectations even though the movie didn’t need it.

You said in your commentary that you felt having the Empire gaze at Coruscant was implying the film was building up to something dramatic.

Harry Potter: Enhanced Editions (Audiobooks) (Released)

Softlywool said:

I dont know if you still come in here to read the comments but i have just finished all of the audiobooks, been listening to them at work for the past year, what an absolutely incredible experience, the amount of work you put into making it unique and magical sounding with sounds from both movies and the very very nostalgic games , it added so so so much to the whole vibe, i have never felt this invested in audiobooks before, thank you again for the hard work, it felt like a true adventure listening to it!

Thank you very much for the kind words. I wanted to be as authentic as possible to how we all loved and remembered the series to be, as well as through the books, films and old video games, that most people seem to have forgotten about now.