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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Any idea how close to being released v2.5 is?  I saw the first post saying there's some issues with the audio on the 70mm six track mix on v2.1 (I was planning on removing all other audio from the file and just keeping this version) and I saw you also had some other tweaks you were going to make when creating v2.5.

Given that v2.5 will have the minor tweaks and stop me from having to replace the audio etc it makes sense to wait for that version to be finished (but at the same time I'm really looking forward to watching this and would like to get it ASAP :)).  Would be after the highest quality upload you have of course, there's a 4TB drive in my media player and the Star Wars films certainly deserve a large chunk of that space, my Star Wars Blurays can stay in the drawer gathering dust where they belong!

Ps I looked at your EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition thread first post which seems to be at version 1.0 but then lower down you say your working on 'PARTLY' DESPECIALIZED EDITION v3.0 which you've decided to call DESPECIALIZED EDITION to save confusion...  Sorry but I managed to get confused by that :)
To help me out could just quickly confirm that the most up to date versions of the original 3 Star Wars films you have ready to download?  I'm looking for as close to the original theatrical versions as possible and in the best quality possible (so AVCHD/mkv/ts etc versions of the largest file size and DESPECIALIZED rather than 'PARTLY' DESPECIALIZED, even if they're 40GB each it'll be worth the download time and I'll keep them uploading for a while after I get them).

It goes without saying of course that I'm really happy someone with the time and the skills to do this has gone and done it, should look a lot better than my 1995ish release pre special edition DVDs!