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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

ww12345 said:

thezeppo1138 said:


The only reason a mention a Empire v2 being cool would be cause you could use the blus to fix the crushed blacks and possibly the saber haloing.


Yes, and 'cause it is the "awesomest" one. :)


Oh, by the way Harmy, great job so far on the editing. Looks really good so far.

Ha! Yeah, that too.


btw I've got my little sis hooked on the OOT. She ends all her messages  to me from college: Yub Nub Fo Life. lol

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Yeah, the Yoda thing was the source, I was just using it as an example. As far as I've seen there is no noticeable glitches in the WP on my initial watch of it. It looked pretty damn great. Star Wars has never looked that good. I already thought the WP looked fantastic, but I've seen you have made even more improvements since. All the parts where I thought a Gout shot was about to come up looked really, really good. Are you using a higher quality Gout source this time around? If not you made it look great.

Love, love your lightsabers. The training remote scene has never been better and the Vader vs Obi-Wan is superb. I never would have noticed the Vaders buttons issue, but since it has been brought up I couldn't help but notice and it's so cool. The dewback looks even better, as do the DS hanger shots... I could go on. Looking forward to the Battle of Yavin.

Almost forgot to mention the Han/Greedo scene. Love the subtitles. And that program you used to fix the missing frames or what not has worked some magic. The scene is incredible.

Since it has been brought up in a couple posts on this page. If you do an Empire v2 that would be pretty cool. But I don't think there needs to be a v2 Jedi. Maybe a 1.2 at most. That one is perfect. All I could think you would need to do on that one is use that program from the Han/Greedo scene on the 2 scenes you had to slow down on Jedi, and of course the Yoda glitch thing. Other than that I think your Jedi is a masterpiece.

The only reason a mention a Empire v2 being cool would be cause you could use the blus to fix the crushed blacks and possibly the saber haloing.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Hey guys! New to the forum. I recently got all the 1.0's and fell in love with them. Before posting I went through and read all three movie threads to catch up a bit. Took awhile, especially this one. Anyway Harmy and all the rest of you working on this with him are my heroes. I would like to pitch in anyway possible. I have a lot of free time on my hands lately, unfortunately I don't have the skills a lot of you have. But for starters I know I can definitely comb the WP as best I can for you. I feel like your coloring decisions are usually awesome so I'm not so worried about that. (The color correction of ROTJ is just incredible.) I just want to help and make sure nothing like the Yoda's back pixalation happens again. So anyway I'm downloading the WP 2.2 now and see the links for the 2.1 rars on the side, but only goes to part 4. I was wondering if when some has a chance they can PM me the link for any that are missing after part 4. Thanks and continue the spectacular work. You guys are amazing.