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My name is The Tao of Joe, also known as Joe Scott. I am a film geek living in Raleigh, North Carolina. I am writing in an attempt to appeal to you all, to try and help my friend Damon Packard. I have never met Damon Packard, but at the insistance of Film Threat Magazine, I purchased a copy of Damon's movie "Reflections of Evil" on a home made dvd. The movie is a zany look at our twisted paranoid life we live in, and I did enjoy it to say the least. After buying this dvd, I have found that Damon has hit upon hard times. You see, Damon is about to be kicked out of his house, because he is broke. He speant all of his money trying to make movies and he is trapped. No joke. THe man will be homeless in a matter of days. BUT we can help him. How you might ask? By purchasing his movies online. Damon is selling copies of Reflections of Evil, as well as his hilarious new opus "The Untitled Star Wars Mockumentary" for 10 bones each on vhs. Its a great deal. Of the two films, I would recomend for you guys the star wars one, because it says alot of stuff about star wars that we have all been saying here on this website for a while (I.E. George Lucas died in the 80's). Please people. Buy his movies. Either one, or like I did, both. Buy both of his movies. THey are both good, especially if you invite some friends over and have a few beers. For information on how to buy this movie, go to (http://www.reflectionsofevil.com/pageFM.htm) You wont be sorry that you did. Just think, if you do this, you can show the movie to your friends and say HEY, I HELPED THIS GUY NOT BE HOMELESS! (I know this isn't exactly kosher to cross post, but I need to try and get as many people aware of this as possible as it is an emergency. I will risk banishment if necesarry, but I want to try and actually help another human being.)

Be Cool,
Joe Scott