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Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

dark_jedi said:

Just out of curiosity, I am close to finishing the new video for SW and ROTJ, ESB is going to be a while longer, but if you guys could choose 3 scenes, 1 from each film for a Blu-ray 720p sample, which scenes would you guys think I should use? this will be the sample I post on the first page, plus it will give you an idea of the color and quality of the release.

I also may redo some of the audio if I can manage to get better LD rips, but only if I can get all of them, it won't be worth doing over for just 1 or 2 of them, but if I get all that I want, then I will definitely redo the audio LPCM tracks, because like have said in the past, I want my last Star Wars project to be as good as I can possibly get it.

Plus hairy_hen is redoing the Star Wars 5.1 mix, and touching up ESB and ROTJ 5.1 mix, these will be replacing the older 5.1 mixes I have used, and a huge Thank you goes out to him for those new\updated tracks.

Thanks Everyone

1. ANH - The ending of the Yavin space battle

2. ESB - The Millennium Falcon in the asteroid field

3. ROTJ - Endor space battle