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My 4K AI processed/upscale of Harmy's Star Wars Despecialized 2.7 (Released)

That is a little strange. I’m very new to the fan edit world of this. I love both Star Wars and Star Trek and I just completed my project to upscale Star Trek Voyager and was looking online and stumbled on Harmy’s and saw several people at different sources asking for his 4K version. So I figured why not try an AI upscale of it.

I’m just discovering there are a ton of other edits etc out and it’s pretty fascinating now to learn of these and also know that there is a way to see the move how I first saw it in theaters back when it was released. I truly never thought I’d see a good copy of the originals ever again. And if I could I’d thank all involved.

My 4K AI processed/upscale of Harmy's Star Wars Despecialized 2.7 (Released)

So I’m new here and not sure exactly what works or doesn’t on these posts. I recently ran the 2.7 version of Star Wars Despecialized through Topaz AI software to see the outcome and had it upscale/uprez to 4K.

It turned out pretty good except there is a lot of noise/film grain.

The thing is, I’m not sure I can share the file link here if anybody wants it or not? It’s a big file at 44 gigs. Basically it has all the audio options etc as the original one but just at a 4K resolution. I noticed a few people on posts ask for a 4K version and so far this is the closest thing.