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Star Wars: Deleted Magic (Released)
Hey OCPMovie,

Just got my hands on a copy of this. I wanted to say thanks and ask a few questions...

1) Thanks :-) It's really good to see all of this out-take footage. It even spurred me into loking on some old CD-Rs to see if I have anything you didn't. Sadly, it wasn't to be :-)

2) A few of the sections on the DVD seem to have two audio tracks. Is there any difference between the two?

3) I know it's impolite to bitch about a fan made work such as this, but why did you "burn in" the explanitory notes rather than placing them in the subtitles? I wouldn't usually mind - but on a few occaisions the subtitle stream overlaps with the on screen text!

4) Similarly, the black bars on the widescreen sections aren't truely black. It would make the picture a lot smoother and give you more space on the disc if the black portions were solid black.

5) This is possibly the holy grail of fan DVDs. I can't even imagine how much work and dedication went into this project. And, if you want to fly me out to the USA, I'm only too happy to work on the next ones with you ;-)


MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)
Originally posted by: Rikter
monizzles , MTHaslett - I'd like to welcome you to the forum...

There are a lot of great guys and gals here - some of who I'm luck to call my friends now.

I hope that you enjoy these forums as much as we have!

Any board regulars who find themselves on my side of the pond (UK) are welcome to stop by for a beer and a screening.

Especially since I just got a new 7.1 Surround sound system!


<strong>The &quot;EditDroid&quot; Trilogy DVD Info and Feedback Thread</strong> (Released)
I've just finished watching the Mysterious Mysteries disc. Wow!

Before I heap general praise on it, I'd like to point out four (very) minor problems with the disc.
Now, I'm not sure if some of these were cause by my viewing set up - streaming the disc over my LAN to a modified PAL Xbox running XBMC - or the disc itself, but here they are.

1) There's a slight horizontal wobble pressent. This is most noticable on the opening and closing credits.
2) Two lip-synch issues ("This station is now the ultimate power..." and "I have the death penalty on...") I'd need to check my original tapes to see if these were present on the source material.
3) No "Close the blast doors! Close the blast doors!". I realise there's some debate around if this was originally in the mix - I beleive that it was.
4) Missing scene! I'm positive there was a scene when Vader told two TIE Fighter Pilots "A gorup of fighters have broken off from the main group - come with me". Am I imagining this scene?

Other than that... wow! Total Star Wars Geek heaven. I was initially worried about the non-anamporphic nature of the disc, but using the zoom mode on my DVD player and TV didn't noticably reduce the picture quality. Sound and picture were both beautiful.
