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Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

Been a while since I posted here but I am still a big fan of these edits (as well as TN1 versions of 4-6). As I have said before, when I first got them, and showed them to my then 7 year old son, I was awaiting the dread I remembered from watching E1. Never happened though.

Are 4K versions on the horizon? I finally retired the Samsung Plasma (11 years old with a scant 2745 hours) and got a Sony A80J. You don’t realize you don’t have true black until you actually have true black.

Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

Reintroducing the 9 year old to Star Wars (he watched 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6) about 5 years ago, and we saw 7, 8, and 9 (I waited 43 years for that???) in the theater. We got a bluRay box set for xmas but i decided to I track down the Limited Edition DVD set so he could see what I saw in 77, 81, and 84 (I stupidly got rid of my VHS hologram box set). I was not thrilled with the DVD quality so researched and obtained despecialized OT and Hal 9000 edits for the prequels.

Using Modified Machete Order, we have watched 4, 5, COD, and TAS.

Thank you HAL 9000! I had watched Episode one twice (in theater and with the munchkin) and vowed to never watch more than the final light saber battle again. Cloak Of Deception is now a solid part of the entire story. The approaching Storm is equally tight and 100 times better than the original (even without light saber Yoda). Eagerly awaiting watching E3 and E6 this weekend.