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Help: looking for... Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves - a Theatrical Cut

So, obviously I’m not the only one looking for the theatrical cut. Not so much the “devil worshiping” aspect but the way in which that version “develops” (more like “degrades”) the relationship between the Sheriff and his witch.

Opinions aside… if people are willing to throw in a bunch of work to color-grade and whatever else to get a decent looking theatrical cut: why not just edit down the extended version blu-ray file to be the same as the theatrical cut?

I’ve been thinking about learning how to do that for some time. You may know me from such AVS threads as how to re-mux the atmos mix from 2D discs to the 3D video file that came with only DTS HD MA. So my desire to learn what tools I need to edit a video file take out the extended or additional sequences comes from not only this film but others like the new Ghostbusters where only the extended version has the atmos mix. Seems like it’d be pretty straight-forward, as long as the extended cuts have only added material and not removed or altered any existing scenes.