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Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)

Watched V2 before bingeing the series, and the edit was a massive improvement – it even made me like the Fortress infiltration. I initially had doubts about removing the flashback sequence, but it works really well to save Anakin for the end. I do have some quibbles:

  • The scene where Haja sees Obi Wan’s bounty could replace the scene where Obi Wan sees the bounty. The substitution would ground the threat with a character we know & know to be untrustworthy, add tension because Obi Wan is unaware, explain how Haja appeared out of nowhere, and keep the pace up.
  • Some scenes with Tala (hiding outside in in the village) should be reinstated, as the plan explaining the transport was less clear. Additionally, with less padding (e.g. the stormtrooper inspection) the time of day more noticeably shifts to night – would there be a way to play with the lighting?
  • Roken feels dropped-in, especially given his later importance. His introductory scene is important to detailing The Path & who he is in it, and has some salvageable moments – maybe cut after Obi Wan’s plea, show Roken looking conflicted, and then immediately cut to them planning their break-in.
  • If there is a way to cut around Reva parrying the speeder bolts, that would be great
  • Qui-Gon disappears from the narrative before suddenly reappearing. Maybe reinstating some of Obi Wan talking to his lightsaber (e.g. somewhere by the evasive maneuvers) could smooth this out
  • The location & music transition from the duel in the open to the duel among the rocks is fairly noticeable
  • Maybe reinstate the establishing shot where Obi Wan’s ship flies to Tatooine

Either way, very impressed with this edit, especially the quick turnaround on it

OLD BEN: An Obi-Wan Kenobi Fan Edit [ABANDONED]

I love the new Inquisitor scene & realignment of Obi Wan’s character, super looking forward to this edit. I have some ideas, if that’s alright:

If the scene with Nari itself feels abrupt to some, partitioning off the previous scene with Owen & Obi Wan could be the solution. If I recall, TBOBF blocked off the departure of Din Djarin and the arrival of Cad Bane with some B-roll footage, showing a weather vane before the switch. Maybe something similar before the Inquisitors’ ship appears could help the later Nari scene.

Owen’s reaction shot to the Inquisitors arriving feels incongruous. It could be because most of the reaction shots are head-on, whereas Owen’s is at an angle; it could also be because Owen’s background seems bluer. I wouldn’t miss it if Owen wasn’t included, but I understand if it’s needed for pacing & investment. Maybe it could go before the ship’s bridge lowers?

If Nari’s scene with Obi Wan isn’t included, his last words should be omitted. The delivery of “You’re wasting your time, you know that, right?” is too casual, and removing them would feel more in line with the tone of this edit. Additionally, replacing that beat with a spliced reaction shot of Obi Wan would keep the focus on Obi Wan’s decision to leave.

The fade to white is great and could last longer. Taking some time to fade back to a sun-bleached Tatooine would make the death hit harder while feeling smoother. Additionally, some of the first things we hear are a Jawa – maybe wind blowing or silence until we hear the music would work better?

After the fade to black after Obi Wan leaves Tatooine – this may be controversial – it could really work to see some of Leia’s scenes. Tonally, the switch to another life would show that there is another, more vibrant universe outside of Obi Wan’s purgatory, and could bridge the later “Star Wars-y” moments of the show. Structurally, Luke’s decision to leave Dagobah has weight because we have been with Han & Leia before that point, and because we have been introduced to Bespin; after the hood goes over Leia’s head, the perspective could switch back to Obi Wan’s meditation, where he sees Leia with the abductors and makes the choice to save her.

This is all just my opinion, but I hope some of it helps!