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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

doubleofive said:


The first scene was recolored to match the original wrong colors, I believe Luke's head is matted separately or at least the color is. This should have been redone in v2 because of the new HD source.

The second image was blurry due to Harmy having to use a picture of a movie screen in order to get the original matte just right. He has come into better sources for v2.

You hardly need to worry, we've got this. ;-)


Brilliant 005! I'm not worried, I'm thrilled! :-) Now I've got to read this thread from the beginning to understand how you've done everything.

It is kind of sad that this is done by the community instead of the original creator. I guess sadness turned to bitterness and bitterness turned to anger. But anger then seemed to lead  to creativity instead of hate. I'm so glad for that.


Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)


My first post here. First - a huge thank you to all the people involved in this project. I am eternally grateful. What a concept! I don't dare guess how much time and effort you've put into this. For that you have my gratitude! For the first time since I saw Star Wars on VHS I had a wonderful experience. I didn't have to clench my fist during the new CGI-scenes. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I did notice a few things while watching, for the first time in great quality, and I just wanted to know if it is "by design" from the original media or where it comes from. I've posted two screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/Tl96K

The first one is from a short scene between Luke and C3PO in the desert and the second where the Millenium Falcon is in the bay of the death star.

The first scene between Luke and Threepio is very blurred and in the second one there's a distinct blur on the right part of the Falcon.

I'm just curious to hear if it's from the original movie or if this is something being worked on in the soon to come version 2 I just heard of?

Thanks a million.