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Hi all, new to this forum of fan edits and would love to join the production of improving various films and trilogies!

Hi all, a bit new to discovering full fan edits of movies, especially of Star Wars (my favorites thus far are War of the Stars 1 & 2 - also willing to share links to anyone who’s unable to find a copy via my Google drive). There’s other edits linked through here via a subreddit forum on reddit.com which I’ve yet to watch. Anyways, I’d love to know how to watch/download complete fan edits of various films/trilogies and also learn how to produce edits of my own (I have in mind, an edit integrating star wars cutscenes and story lines from various star wars video games into the main films somehow but unsure of how to do so whilst maintain some gravity of consistency).

From what I’ve read, viewed, I’m quite mind blown and would love to become a part of this community!