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The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

I’ve always been intrigued by the concept of fan edits and this is the first film that I feel like truly needs one to not be terrible. Sorry in advance for a long post, but there is just so much to change. Here are some of my ideas that I will try execute, feel free to incorporate in your edits, or discuss:

-Humor: As others have already stated, is way overdone. There are way too many jokes. It’s not even so much that they aren’t funny as they are poorly timed and take away from any emotional tension being built. Cut the Poe/Hux back and forth or shorten it a bit. Cut Luke brushing off his shoulder (one of the not-so-terrible jokes, but do we really need one after the extremely badass survival of the laser barrage?). Cut “Chrome Dome”. Cut Hux’s “do you think we got him”. Cut the lightsaber bonking Rey on the rebound. Cut Finn and Rose telling DJ they do not need his help.

-Space Leia: I think its impossible to “kill” Leia here because she’s important to the rest of the plot, but this scene needs to be fixed. Show Leia closing her eyes and the bridge exploding, but cut before she’s sucked out of the ship, and right to Poe and Co. sprinting downstairs and seeing her hand on the window. It seems more reasonable that she could force shield herself from an explosion and not suffer too serious of injuries compared to being exploded AND flying through a vacuum.

-Casino: I actually like the world-building here, but it is way overdone. Cut some scenes of aliens, cut everything that happens on the balcony, cut all the fathiers (sp??). I like the idea somebody else in this thread mentioned (sorry, I’m new to the site, so feel free to take credit) of flipping the image when Rose and Finn walk out of the jail cell to imply that they follow DJ. Next scene, they are on the ship returning to Poe and Co. This also cuts the run-time down significantly.

-Broom Boy: Cut right when his broom looks like a lightsaber and he’s staring off into space. No need to show that campy shot of his cereal box ring (which won’t even make sense if we cut the fathier sequence earlier in the film).

The things I am having the most difficult time coming up with fixes for:

-Captain Phasma Fight: If it isn’t cut entirely, how is it possible to not make her seem completely useless?

-Rose Stopping Finn: Just so campy and it makes no sense how they would get back into the cave afterwards.

-Holdo: Is there a more bland character in any movie ever? I’d rather have Jar Jar yell “Weesa inna big doodoo now” then have to sit through another one of her boring sentences.

I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but how do you get the materials to make an edit? Wait for the DVD to come out and rip the file? Are there ways to separate the video from the audio (because I think a rescoring could make the movie that much more intense)?