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Info: About this whole Indy 4 debate.
Jeyl said:

Not to mention that Temple of Doom is the only Indy movie that doesn't feature a foreign army seeking an ancient artifact that will eventually overwhelm and destroy them. Temple of Doom compared to them seems so original.

Kudos to ToD!


Which is probably why so many people have a problem with the film. It strikes me that Spielberg, on his first sequal film, decided to make a movie that was very different from Raiders, and the backlash sent him to Crusade with his tale between his legs (which is why that film is like so much like the first). KOTCS is like a wierd amalgamation of wanting a different direction, yet keeping everything the same.

Info: A note on PT rewrites
wwdarth said:

...also, I wanted Anakin's transformation to Darth Vader to be more clearly defined, and more selfish.  I wanted him to make a consious decision to follow the path to the dark side, instead of being "decieved" or "brainwashed" by Palpatine.  How rewarding would it have been to see a young Anakin Skywalker...closed off, to himself...perhaps even ostrasized by his friends.  Then, when he realzied his gift for the force, relish in the idea of absolute power. And of coarse he develops a real thirst for it along the way. 


From what was mentioned of him in the PT, Anakin was a fine pilot during the Clone Wars. I think the Clone Wars, as we saw it realized on film, was not the true horror of a war that the very name would imply. Something that Anakin encounters during his tour of duty must change him to the point where he can be seduced by the teachings of the Sith. Perhaps for all the evil the Sith were known for, at least they would have never allowed such a monstrosity as what happened during the Clone Wars, something Anakin would blame on this in charge at this time (namely, The Republic and the Jedi). For the man to hunt down and kill every single Jedi, he has to have some intense motivation. A memory of something horrific that changed him forever would do very well to account for this.