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SE Trilogy on DVD coming this Fall
Hey everyone. I just signed up, even though I signed the petition about a year ago. When the SE Trilogy came out, I enjoyed watching them and agreed with some of the touch-ups that they did (like making the control panels in the speeders on Hoth opaque). Plus, I was probably more in amazement of seeing them on the big screen after having watched the OT on VHS numerous times with my friends. If Lucas decides to release the SE on DVD, I'd feel let down, yet I'd still gladly buy them.
However, my real gripe is with the format that they are supposedly releasing the DVDs in. According to reports they are supposed to emulate the Indiana Jones Trilogy with how they release Star Wars. Sure, the Indiana Jones set is a really good buy, ranking number 43 on Amazon.com in sales, but I feel kinda let down with the extras on the set, since I feel there should of and could have been more. On December 2, the Alien Quadrilogy set came out. Being out for about two months, it ranks in the 150 for sales on Amazon.com (Indiana Jones has been out since October). For those of you who don't know about the set, it has 9 DVDs, one DVD for each movie, one DVD of extras for each movie, and one DVD of extras for the whole series of films. I feel that they should use this set as the template for the Star Wars trilogy DVD release. Each movie DVD in the Alien Quadrilogy has the theatrical edition and the "Director's Cut" of the movie. They should do that for each Star Wars film, have the original versions and then whatever George wants to do to ruin the movies on the same DVD. I'm sure there has to be hours worth of behind the scenes footage, making of footage, and other such things for each film that could fill up at least a DVD for each film. They could even do retrospectives on each film. Right there, that is at least 6 DVDs. For the rest of the set, I'm sure there is a ton of things to put in (for example the extra footage on the SE VHS set about the restoration of each film and, even just for nostalgia value, the Star Wars Christmas special). I would go out and spend the $70 or so on an amazing box set for this amazing trilogy (of course I would prefer it to be digipack style because I think that is a cooler set-up then having just a box and then DVD cases in it). Anyway, thats opinion on the matter.