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Making our own 35mm preservation--my crazy proposal

negative1 said:

the cat is out of the bag..

lucas has successfully sold a ton of blurays,

so star wars in HD is safe, and in the hands of people

that want it in HD if they didn't have it already..


there's not a whole lot left to do,

and not that many people are really going to wait

around forever to see if the originals come out...


so the timing is a lot more relaxed now before,

then when people only had access to the HD broadcast versions..

i really don't think this will make much of a dent honestly.

only the few people that are interested in it will seek it out..

much like the 8mm, and 16mm versions have their audience,

so will this..




You forget that Georgie Porgie retired recently. He's got nothing better to do than troll forums and kill child hood dreams. 


I 100% support your project, and wait patiently(not so much) for the day when I can watch GOUT HD.


I just hope you guys don't take Lucas too lightly, and stay safe.

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

ChainsawAsh said:

I doubt that DJ will be making an h.264 MKV version available.  That's what I'll be doing for my own personal collection, but I doubt DJ will be doing it himself.

I really don't understand why this wont be released in MKV. It would take almost no effort to make the encode from the source material.


That would be far superior to recoding from the down sampled audio and video of the DVD9. 

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

dark_jedi said:

Star Wars
16:9 Anamorphic @ 2.35:1
1977 Theatrical Stereo
1977 70mm Dolby Digital 5.1 Six-Track Reconstruction
1977 Theatrical Mono
1985 Home Video Stereo Remix
1993 Home Video Stereo Remix

The Empire Strikes Back
16:9 Anamorphic @ 2.35:1
1980 Theatrical Stereo
Dolby Digital 5.1 Remix
1985 Home Video Stereo Remix
1993 Home Video Stereo Remix
Rare 1980 "Empire Hotline" Recordings Featuring - C-3PO, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.

The Return Of The Jedi
16:9 Anamorphic @ 2.35:1
1983 Theatrical Stereo
Dolby Digital 5.1 Remix
1985 Home Video Stereo Remix
1993 Home Video Stereo Remix

* All DVD's have a static menu's with audio, and will be DVD9's.

This is what I am shooting for, and as far as audio bitrates, I am not sure, like to keep as high as I can obviously, but I am limited to what the DVD will let me(total max bitrate), so final bitrate I will only know once I get them authored up and see, hope this helps somewhat LOL.


I've been lurking (and waiting excitedly) in this thread for a while. Huge props for such an undertaking.

Have you considered encoding into x264 to max out both video and audio bitrate? Most people stream video, or have media players these days. 

Max video bitrate and max 5.1 audio bitrate would be a dream come true. As close to a GOUT blu-ray as we'll probably ever come.