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Harmy's STAR WARS TRILOGY "Partly Despecialized Edition" HD. !!! These version are now obsolete - Look for Despecialized Editions instead!!!

Thanks for the PM Harmy.  I pulled down ROTJ:PDE over the weekend but now I'm having a problem mounting the ISO.  DT Lite and DT Pro are both saying 'Windows cannot read from this disk. The disk might be corrupted, or it could be using a format that is not compatible with Windows.'

I'm on XP SP3 - is there some trick to mounting this that I'm not aware of?  I'm googling as we speak so yes I'm looking for alternative software.  Unfortunately I'm at work so a lot of downloads (.exe etc) are blocked otherwise I would've tried this BluRayBerry program...


EDIT: Ok NM, I was able to use IsoBuster to extract the m2ts file and then everything was good.  Looks great!  Can't wait to get this muxed/burned and watch it!

THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now

weird cos i have both AVCHD ANH and ANH:R and am also playing on the Sony BDP-S360 and no issues whatsoever for me.

and wow how fast did that torrent dl?? you just posted on the 26th that your original dl wasn't working and now you got another? wish i could get those kind of speeds! it took me about a week to dl ANH a few hours each night...

THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now

budwhite said:

any news on Jedi? To bad tpm is available before jedi

agreed... i read somewhere that ady had put together an HD ROTJ from the german broadcast but i've yet to find it anywhere. :) so far i have a crappy mkv version that is too large to fit on a DVD9 and having a heck of time preserving the HD quality while downscaling it to 8.5 gb (it was just barely over... grrr).

can't wait to dump that smirking retard in the last scene... man that just ruins it for me.

THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now

Just to wrap up my part of this thread - usenet worked great for pulling down ESB 1080p (thanks to the user earlier for the suggestion about giganews!). Also, found that a slow burn on the memorex did the trick... I will burn again using verbatim just for a backup. One interesting point is that imgburn id'd the memorex discs as Ritek... is it possible Ritek mfr's the discs and memorex just slaps a label on them?

thx to everyone for the help! these HD versions are amazing! I put ESB HD in my Sony blu-ray and the 2004 DVD into my Oppo dvd to compare... incredible! Adywan is a legend! :)

Edit: found some info on memorex/ritek. apparently neither get good reviews so I'll def. be making a copy on the verbatim!

THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now

Hey thanks for the info on Memorex... that's kinda what I though. Although I always lumped verbatim in that group too.  Good to know they are better quality now. I may give it one more shot on the lowest burn setting and yes I believe imgburn defaulted to udf 2.5 from the logs I saw.

I have a Sony BDP-s360 but will have a buddy try this disc on his PS3 - maybe it's my player who knows. I saw earlier in the thread that some with this player had to use the converted 23.79 (?) fps version instead of the 24 fps...


thx again.

THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now

Ok so I downloaded an .iso (+.mds) but after I burn with imgburn and try to verify I'm getting a ton of these messages:


W 19:14:13 Failed to Read Sector 854309 - Reason: L-EC Uncorrectable Error
W 19:14:13 Sector 854309 maps to File: \BDMV\STREAM\00001.m2ts




bad file? is there some trick to burning this thing?


edit: i'm not a big fan of memorex - is it any good? I got some dvd+r dl and that's what i'm using. thx

THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now

maggot_brain said:

justin131 said:

maggot_brain said:

Episde I - The Phantom Menace AVCHD Torrent uploaded to 'you know where'.  Just search for 'Adywan'.   Thanks once again to Adywan for all his great work.  I'd appreciate it if anyone who has the files could help me seed.  I'll seed only until the weekend.

If anyone wants the 14 gig high bit rate version of ESB on torrents, then I'll need some help seeding that.  If enough people offer to help I'll torrent it otherwise I can't as my upload speed isn't great.


I've already PM'd you but just to see if others are interested, I'm volunteering to seed like a mofo. I wants it. :)

What I meant was people for initial seeding.  There's no way I'm seeding a 14 gig file on a 768k up connection on my own.  It's simply too inconvenient when you have daytime upload limits and throttling.  Yes it is a bit selfish I know.  If other people are willing to help with the INITIAL seeding then I'll torrent it otherwise it isn't going to happen I'm afraid.  It took me 3 days to seed the Episode I AVCHD (about 8 gig) and that was with other people helping to seed.  You'll be better off asking for blanks+postage or getting a usenet account.  Some usenet providers provide 'download block' accounts.  To be honest I don't know how popular a torrent of the 14 gig mkv would be anyway, there's hardly been anyone else asking for it besides you.

So... I can help seed. I usually have mine running all night. But if you'll do blanks+postage I'd def be interested in that too. thx