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NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

solkap said:

Since it is only two files that are giving you issues, you might also try just manually downloading them straight from your browser. It wouldn’t cost that much more time for only two rars, and it would eliminate the variable of the download manager.

Whatever you choose to try next, make sure to put the new copies of the rars in the same folder as their respective sets.

And you can use the same checksums I sent you to verify that the files have saved properly.

Yes, I did try the manually/direct download for these as well to no avail.

NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

solkap said:

Have you tried extracting with a different program? There are several free ones you can try.

Sometimes one will work better than another.

If that doesn’t work, you could see if there is anything amiss with your file copies.

The best way to do that is to verify the checksums of the file. See how to do that in Windows here or on a Mac here

It basically generates an ID number that will be drastically different if any part of the file is different, say from a download glitch or a disc error.

I can send you what the numbers for the checksums for SW part 47 & SW Docs part 29 should be.

If you perform a checksum varification on the files you have and the numbers I send you don’t match exactly what you get when you run the check on your file copies, we’ll know you have corrupted copies and take further steps to correct that problem.

Let me know if you want me to send you the checksums, or if trying a different extractor fixes it.

Really appreciate the help! I tried a different program and still the same issue. I tried downloading the files two more times and are still getting the same issues. Mind sending me the checksum info and I can compare? Thanks again!

NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

DisGuy said:

I’m getting this error while extracting the ESB Documentaries:

“Could not extract the file “The Empire Strikes Back - Documentaries BD25.iso” from the archive “The Empire Strikes Back - Documentaries BD25.part13.rar”: Failed to write to file”

I’ve redownloaded part 13 and get the same error. Had no other issues so far.

Anyone else getting this?


I’m getting the exact same error except it is Part47 on Star Wars and Part29 on Star Wars Documentaries. I’ve downloaded the files twice without it working. I’ve already done ESB (both discs) which tested fine and am downloading RotJ (both discs) now.

Any thoughts on the two Star Wars errors?

NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

Hey all, this is incredible with the amount of detail is on here, thanks so much OP!

I am having issues with a little under half the files not being able to download using FreeRapid Downloader. I keep getting errors and timeouts for certain files before I can even start to download each. I’ve tried during the day, at night and at totally random times. This is only for Star Wars and ESB thus far, and happens on both movie discs and both doc discs. Thoughts on these issues? Has anyone else experienced this?