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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

kg123 said:

Greetings and salutation , Harmy! . I just wanted to know where i can find the v2.5 despiacialized version for the Empire Strikes Back and the Return Of The Jedi . I have found the torrent download link for star wars episode 4 , and it is safe to say that it took me two or three days to find the torrent download link for episode 4 , so could you possibly send me a link in my inbox for the torrent downloads of the v2.5 despialized versions for episode 5 and episode 6. Thanks Mr.Harmy.



If you go to that link I posted in my post above, it has specific instructions.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

I still don't understand everyone's issue in downloading these editions.

In the link I include below, it has an alternate option to My Spleen.  It's another site, with directions on how to use jdownloader (free app) to download all the segments, and then automatically combine all the parts to create the mkv file.

The only painful part was having to type in a captcha code for every part (37 for for Star Wars).  While I'm sure there's a fix for that, I typed in a code 37 times, and then, low and behold, I had the mkv file.  

I then did it again for Empire, and ROTJ.  

I didn't have any experience using torrent, downloading movies, anything.  

So if I figured it out, you all can too.

Again, very good instructions here: http://pastebin.com/PYvJGkRE


Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

I see so many people trying to get invites from MYSpleen, and not having any success (like me).

I also see several others asking where they can get these versions, but I realize the forum rules prevent posting torrent links.

What I think is a better solution is for you to just read the info at this site:


If this is also against forum rules, please let me know, and I'll delete.

But it's what I used, and I now have the latest versions to all 3 Despecialized versions that Harmy has done an INCREDIBLE job on.

Thanks again Harmy.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Does anyone else on here take the existing MKV and AVCHD files (for ROTJ), and convert them to an HD mp4 via Handbrake?

This makes for great looking files that play on my apple tv and iPad.

To me it was a lot easier than locating a Blu Ray Burner, finding burning software, etc.

I realize it's more compressed, and burning a blu ray would look better AND allow me to hear the DTS-HD track, but until I buy a blu-ray burner, it allows me to watch these beautifully restored films in HD, on a variety of displays.

If this is a redundant post, I apologize.  I've just looked through almost every post, and I haven't seen anyone mention doing this.