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The Power of Two (The Acolyte as a prequel to the prequels) [RELEASED; Runtime 2h 39mns; 4K]

I looked forward to someone doing a more filmic edit of this. I attended the London launch and came away slightly confused by the constant jumping around the timeline. Even seeing the whole series left me a bit meh.
You have done a great job of moving everything round to address this, flashbacks are only used when necessary and the whole moves more like a film would. The removal of unnecessary battles and subplots don’t affect anything, except to allow the seasoned watcher to go “oh, that bit has gone”. The opening crawl and music is a welcome addition, I fail to see why they have to change stuff like that. Editing is crisp, the whole is more pacey.
The only part that was a big problem for me that you couldn’t undo was the bit where she gets to the dead jedi before Sol etc by using a shortcut in a place she had never visited. Purely done so that she could be ‘discovered’ finding the body. Shoddy writing, frankly.

Thanks for your work, I look forward to you doing the same to skeleton crew et al.