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The Evil Dead Treasures Collection (Released)
Jaiman Tuckuh said:

I'm uploading extra pars, for EDTC, now. They will work together with Moth3r's, so there will be enough for you to recover the rars. (Nobody reposts rar files, anymore, because different servers might be missing different rars).

Thank you sooooooo much.  Those extra pars did the trick.  I'll be watchin' me some ED this weekend!


Spooky Mizu

The Evil Dead Treasures Collection (Released)


dark_jedi said:

man I upload to the newsgroups and people complain it is to hard,so I upload a torrent,and now this is to hard....I just can't win 


Well, I just want to say a big ol' "Thank You" for the spleen upload.  I just got the first disc, and I'm as pleased as punch.

Admittedly, I had some trouble with the newsgroup upload of EDTC, but that is because I'm stuck with Easynews...so that's nobody else's fault.  I'm actually redownloading it right now from Easynews.  I'm hoping to have better luck this time OR have somebody toss me two or three of the rar files.  We'll see.

At any rate, your efforts are appreciated!  "Good?  Bad?  You're the guy with the files."


Spooky Mizu

The Evil Dead Treasures Collection (Released)
Moth3r said:
  1. Apparently Easynews' service has been poor for the last 6 months (poor completion). Also there is no way to download incomplete files through the web interface. Those people using Easynews will need to get a binary newsreader (e.g. xnews for Mac, Grabit for PC) in order to be able to download these incomplete files.

Unfortunately for me, the company I use for my internet feed, Suddenlink,  has taken down their newsgroup connections. 

I guess I'll just have to wait until it shows up as a torrent or I figure something else out. 



Thanks for all the effort, Moth3r.


Spooky Mizu


The Evil Dead Treasures Collection (Released)
Moth3r said:

What program are you using? QuickPar?

I posted 5% PAR2, so 8 missing files out of 158 might be just over the limit. How many 'blocks' are you short? If you can download incomplete files for the missing RARs then you might just have enough blocks to effect a repair.

If not, let me know and I'll post some more PAR2s.

I am using MacPar on a Macintosh.

I'm not sure about the blocks, since I actually trashed the files because I didn't think I could use them.  I'll have to download them again. 

The rars that were missing on Easynews (and a couple of other places I checked) were parts 54, 73, 95, 119, 132, 136, 145, and 157.

Any chance of those getting reposted? 


Thanks for all of the help.  I'm not much of an expert on using PARs.  I just let the computer do the work (grinning).


Spooky Mizu