I’d really like to see a version of True Romance that follows the Tarantino script. I think the Tony Scott ending works though.
wiki says that there is a version already circulating the internet, but I checked the internet and I didn’t find one.
and if you wanted to get really crazy it might be cool to put the Tarantino-picked songs back in…but then maybe that version might need the original ending. a 2 DVD set would work.
here’s a basic explanation of the differences [copied from wiki]:
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
Other than the ending (Clarence was shot dead during the climactic Mexican Standoff in the script) and the ordering of the scenes, Scott’s film uses Tarantino’s original script. Originally, the film was written to begin with the same “I’d fuck Elvis” scene, then the opening credits as the release. But the first scene in Tarantino’s script was the scene where the drug-dealer Drexel steals the cocaine. After that, the next scene was Clarence and Alabama showing up at Clarence’s father home, from which point the scene order is the same up to when Clarence and Alabama meet Dick Ritchie, which ends Act I. Dick asks how they met and we see the movie theater scenes, marriage, and killing of Drexel and mistaken stealing of the cocaine. Act III begins with the scene where Dick sees how much cocaine Clarence brought with him and begins to freak out about it, after which the movie plays straight to the end.
Tarantino, in the commentary on the unrated director’s cut DVD, mentions how this structure to the three acts results in the characters in the movie knowing everything in Act I while the audience doesn’t know anything, the audience catches up in Act II, and the audience knows more than the characters in Act III.
[sorry for hijacking all the cbb entries on pirate bay, guys…I didn’t know this place]