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Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
I have the TR47 DVD box set (got it about a month ago) and all i can say is that I am very impressed with the product.

I do own the original LaserDisc box set from which these dvds were created and to have a near identical copy on DVD makes a world of difference (since my LD player is pretty crappy along with having to perform 3 disc changes and 5 side changes)

Anyway, i first played the movie on my xbox onto my 36" DirectView HDTV I'm not sure how much better the picture would have been with a true progressive output signal (XBOX outputs 480i not 480p for dvds) but the quality was VERY VERY watchable.

The next test-- playing this movie on my 100" diag. projection system. This has been the problem with past bootleg dvd attempts. My buddy had some HK import that look absoultely crappy -- on a regular tv-- it could have passed for slightly better than DVD quality. I was happy with the picture-- the audio for whatever reason needed to be turned up higher than my other movies (most movies stay at level 44-46.. these DVDs needed to be at around 53-54) SLIGHT hiss, but nothing that takes away from the experience and enjoyment of the movies.

The ultimate test-- inviting my nerd friends over for a SW marathon and asking for their brutally honest opinions-- NOT ONE COMPLAINT!! Do not hesitate to get these DVDs-- its the best thing out there for the money-- I also plan on buying the Original Trilogy DVD set once its officially released (no the SEs)

Just my $.02
