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Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Closed For Now!]

TristAndShout64 said:

skytrapal said:

I have just donated. Happy to help out anytime.

I just refunded this donation. People, I don’t know where you keep finding links to the PayPal, but please stop sending money without asking first. I’m trying to make it as clear as possible that I’m NOT taking money at the moment, and if you send money for Toy Story then I’m simply going to send it back. I will UPDATE THE FORUM if I’m taking donations again. Thank you.

Sorry about that there was a link to the old thread with the PayPal link.

Info/Help Wanted: Die Hard With A Vengeance (1995) 35mm

RU.08 said:

sebkarlbjork said:

I own the full 35mm Die Hard With the vengeance film reels. If anyone wants to do a scan of it and do a donations post with cost for shipping and scanning all the reels I’m would happily lend it out.

If you could send me a DM I’d appreciate it. I’m not personally a Die Hard fan but there are some big fans of Die Hard on my Discord server who’d most likely love to borrow your print and do a professional scan.

Please could I have access to your discord?

Once Upon a Time in the West - 35mm print scanning (* unfinished project? lots of info *)

WildngPower8 said:

skytrapal said:

Would love to see a 35mm print of this movie.

Same, or any of the Leone Westerns for that matter, if anyone knows where we can find them please point us in the right direction

I saw a 35mm print of The Good The Bad and The Ugly last month on the big screen it used the 2003 extended cut version.

Info: How many Disney 35mm scans exist?

RU.08 said:

I’ll be doing more scans soon. We have Covid delays again but I have access to good scanners and to prints.

I’m thinking about setting up a subscription payment system to get things rolling. The goal will be to do every Disney classic - and where possible to scan multiple prints. I might re-scan Pinoke next year as well.

I happily pay for the 35mm scans of Disney classic movies