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The Sequel Trilogy we wanted...

theprequelsrule said:

yhwx said:

theprequelsrule said:

In an ideal world, George Lucas would have kept directing and writing films, keeping his craft sharp.

Yeah… that didn’t really work out.

I know one thing for sure: George Lucas can make really, really bad Star Wars films.

I suspect something else: without him, there will be no more great Star Wars films.

George only directed ONE great SW film and three mediocre to terrible ones. TFA was better than any of the prequels.
So I will settle for very good or good SW films rather than mediocre and terrible ones.

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

Bingowings said:

Canon Editor said:

Does anyone have any idea on how Adywan and his team will treat the “a lightsaber… a Jedi weapon” dialogue phrase for the Prequels? Is there any way Palpatine will not use a lightsaber but only the Force in his duel against Mace Windu?

Maybe he will steal one from a Jedi, use it for a bit for giggles and throw it out the windu.

Out the windu? LOL! Was that a typo? Hehe. 😄

Throw it out the windu with windu.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

ben_danger said:

An idea from ROGUE ONE I really enjoyed was that the DEATH STAR is powered by the same crystals used in the Lightsabers.

If you were to maintain that the concept of a superweapon powered by such crystals is the objective of the SEPARATISTS, then could the world’s they invade/conquer (so NABOO) be Kyber rich worlds? Perhaps even GEONOSIS is actually a superweapon in progress - much like STARKILLER base (which could also be re-explained in a VII edit as a forgotten other version).

One rewrite I did of AOTC had the separatists use a oxygen destroyer that made a planet very inhospitable but still livable. That way we would escalate the weaponry and go from that terrible weapon to the ultimate one: the DS in the OT that doesnt just make planets terrible to live on but destroys them.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Jeebus said:

Octorox said:

Weird probably impossible idea, could C-3PO replace both TC-14 and JarJar in the Phantom Menace?

3PO belongs to the trade federation and greets Qui-Gon and Obi on the ship in the beginning (re colored and redubbed with an Anthony Daniels soundalike or Daniels’ voice clips from cartoons/radio dramas etc.)

Then he somehow accidentally stumbles onto one of the federation drop ships and winds up on the surface, saved by Qui-Gon instead of JarJar (would have to rotoscope out JarJar frame by frame and composite in new footage of an actor in 3PO costume). He accompanies them from then on, and his meet cute with R2 is moved earlier to the scene when Padme is cleaning R2 (3PO again replacing JarJar)

Could lead to some fun exchanges:

You almost got us killed! Are you brainless?

I’ll have you know, I’m fluent in over six million forms of-

The ability to speak doesn’t make you intelligent. Now get out of here.

I too had been tossing this idea around in my head for a while, not really as a fan-edit idea, but more of a “I wish Lucas had done this.” I don’t know if this is possible, but I’ll be damned if it shouldn’t be attempted.

I did a rewrite years ago that did just this. 3PO was the comic relief from the beginning in place of TC14 and replacing Jar Jar. He was the translator for the Jedi and the Gungans, etc. But he started on the TF vessel as a programmer for binary load lifters(a nod to Star Wars)on board the TF ship loading cargo. That is ostensibly what those vessels do: they load cargo. The only difference for Episode One is the cargo this time is a droid army.
Qui-Gon rips 3PO’s restraining bolt off of him and takes him along as he might “be of some use to them”, to Obi-Wan’s chagrin.

But yes, wish fulfillment more than anything. Jar Jar can be somewhat redeemed if he just acts more bravely during the end battle. Then he goes from coward to brave warrior and completes his journey.


Bingowings said:

The more I think of it the more it makes sense to remove the torture droid altogether.
Vader is a Sith Lord and one of four Force masters left in existence so why would he use drugs when he can play with minds?

Not weak minds.

Vader says her resistance is great and Obi-Wan later explains the Force can only sway the weak minded but it would make more sense to remove the droid and maybe replace it with a close up of Vader’s eyes (if a suitable Vader mask can be had) or maybe his hand in a Force using gesture like the TFA trailer (I haven’t seen the film yet so no spoilers please).

You see TFA yet? This pertains to your post.

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

Bingowings said:

They are the numbered prequels. We old timers waited from 1983 to 1999 to get them and look at them.

There is good in them but it’s more the themes than the acting directing and editing (though attempts to plain edit out the worst aspects of them have made them watchable, not good mind but watchable).

ROTJ:R won’t be delayed by PT:R if anything it will keep Ady busy while aspects of ROTJ:R are inevitably delayed. It will keep him sharp and his skills current and up to date.

But there is potential in the current PT that plain editing can’t get to.

For me ROTJ:R and the PT:R are the projects I most wanted to see when I saw my first few stills of ANH:R all those years back. They are the projects that got me to sign up here rather than just lurk.

I have been disappointed by ROTJ since I was 13. I find it almost as much a disappointment as TPM. I want to love Star Wars as a whole not as two and bit icebergs in a sea of chilly sewage. And that includes the PT because I have been thinking about old Ben fighting Vader over a volcanic pit since before ESB.

I know Ady is going his own way but if TFA is good (still an if for me) I would prefer ROTJ:R to not massively contradict it but I’m sure someone will sculpt it along those lines once it is done.

I suspect that Rogue One will be the Episode 3 I waited for.

I agree. Adywan’s earliest efforts for ANH: revisited pointed to great promise for the prequels and ROTJ.

Those are the big deals really, not ANH or ESB. Those are just the warm ups.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Or if you’re going to take Anakin to Naboo, have him join the space battle on purpose. Have him fly to try and help the pilots take out the ship above.

But yes, a radical change would be to just leave him at the temple to be trained or in the custody of the Jedi council because he’s supposedly this chosen one.

Taking the chosen one into the path of the Sith doesn’t sound like such a brilliant idea.