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Idea: Entirely Speculative Marvel Cinematic Universe Reordering

I like this idea and it’s somewhat the method I’ve adopted in my rewatches. I’ve always tinkered with the ordering of the films whenever I marathon, be it placement-wise or slotting in different fan edits for some of the entries. I’m sure I’ll never find the “perfect” blend but I thoroughly enjoy the experiments.

I’ll be sure to keep an eye on this concept and offer feedback as I’m able.

Kerr's 'Lord Of The Rings' Fan Edits, Extended Editions by Hal9000/Sharkey (Released)

These have been my go-to versions of the films ever since Hal first posted them on Reddit. I have been a LotR fanatic my entire life, even adminned the largest meme group for the trilogy for quite some time. So I’ve seen the original extended editions dozens of times, if not hundreds. I would say my experience with these edits was more enjoyable than most, since I instantly recognized the changes, even subtle one-liners and musical cues that were changed (the Gondor theme at the Argonath is a personal favorite).

Overall, I can’t recommend these highly enough, any fan of the series owes it to themselves to give these a watch. For me, they have totally replaced the original films. And most of the changes are so simple-yet-elegant that it’s hard to believe they weren’t the original editing choices of Peter Jackson and Co. Just my $0.02–this isn’t the IFDB but these edits damn well belong there, haha. I would be interested in watching Kerr’s “non-extended” versions as well, should he ever choose to release them. But these are beautifully done as is.

Hal, are either of the musical tracks composed of Kerr’s changes? Or did you use the original audio for both, and just shoehorn the specific changes you’ve listed?

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

It’s cool, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t intended to fill that role and it feels off in that context.

I agree with this. Although I like the idea of showing everyone “one last time,” it is too jarring in that setting. What would Chewie really be saying at that point of the film that would necessitate “it is” for a reply? That and Rey’s response just felt like a crammed-in jump cut to me.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:
How do we all feel about the newer Ochi ship shot from poppasketti? I think it’s very much improved, but it may be too iffy to be included. He’s said so himself. Eh?

It’s definitely a big improvement from the original version poppasketti made. I find it less iffy-looking than, say, the stormtroopers exiting the transport in the Mustafar sequence (though I personally like both). I rewatched the current sequence in the V2 workprint, and I mean…it still works fine. I’m still on the fence, but I do think anything that shows transition and slows the breakneck pace of the film, even slightly, is a plus.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a super quick mock up of another way of doing it like StarkillerAG suggested. No music though for now.


I like this a lot better. Although I think the nature/establishing shots were a good idea/effort, they kind of took away from the “smokey forest” vibe and the rapid/violent opening reflective of Kylo’s frantic rage.

Star Wars Episode II: The Approaching Storm (Released)

Watched this again today, first time seeing V6. The smallest possible quibble to note: At 1:42:58, where it cuts to Padmé in the sand, there’s a vestige of Anakin’s awkward moaning from the snippet that was cut from the duel scene. Probably not even worth the effort of pointing it out, haha.

Anyway, huge fan and have collected all of your Star Wars work. Quite enjoyed your take on LotR as well.