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Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
OK, if you got the tracker error, try this. Although when you register for filesoup you can immediately get into the forums, you will still get an email that instructs you to activate your account. Do that--after I activated the accound my torrent download worked.

Also, good news: my previous download from the suprnova.org torrent seems to be the one now on filesoup, so that's 30% already done and more bits to add to the torrent pool. My upload is at maximum so somebody out there is benefiting.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
actually, to save you trouble, it would probably be easier for you just to continue seeding the torrents and providing the torrent files. Because your generosity is great, but if you're inundated with 20 requests there might be some problems.
I second that. Unfortunately every time I go to torrentbox.com it is down. Just went there and nothing. So if there's another way to send the torrent file, please let me (us) know.

If not, I'll gladly send you some DVD-R blanks.
Info: OT Bootleg DVDs
I'm on an email list for a band and sharing CDs and DVDs is commonplace. What usually happens is someone announces they will mail the recording to the first 3 people who respond. The only catch being that the 3 recipients must then also provide the same service for others. It's a nice trickle-down pyramid scheme, if you will. (And yes, this is seen on sharingthegroove a lot.)

This week someone announced they had a DVD of a solo performance from one of the band members. I was one of the 3 to respond first, so I now await this material that I otherwise probably would have never had a chance to see. This is a great system. The costs to you are 3 (or 2, or whatever you choose) CDs/DVDs, and mailing. Probably around $10-$12 total. Doesn't that seem like a reasonable way to do it? There is a bit of an honor system but unless you are a complete cheapskate it should work fine.

As for torrents... I'm not an expert, but I believe that unless the tracker is running, having the torrent file is useless. I have torrents to SW and ESB, both partly downloaded, but since the torrent source is not around, they have nothing to seek. Maybe someone can correct me on the details.