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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Ryan said:

Well, whatever you want to call it. The tossing it behind his back in a goofy manor. It’s not just about being goofy, but also him tossing the lightsaber like it means nothing to him.

I get what they were trying to do. They were trying to have hermit Luke act like a goofball similar to how Yoda acted in Empire. It just didn’t work and I doubt anyone 2 years ago would have said that’s how they wanted that Rey/Luke scene to go to in TLJ.

Completely agree.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

I don’t like TLJ at all, and it all has to do with the treatment of Luke. I think it was a complete betrayal of the character in two major ways: 1) They took a massive steamy dump on the last moments of Jedi when Luke throws down his lightsaber and refuses to kill his father. This Luke acknowledging giving into fear, hate, and anger will not allow him to defeat the darkside. What we see in the “Murderous Uncle” plot point is the complete opposite of this lesson. Not to mention in Jedi, his father is essentially the head of the SS, yet Luke refuses to give up on him and literally risks his life to do it. But his nephew he’s just gonna kill? 2) Luke the quitter. A core component in every movie is “I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue you!” Leia from the deathstar, his friends from Vader, Vader from himself. I get that Abrams set Johnson up for this character betrayal first, but at the end of ever Luke scene I sat there thinking, “OK this is were we get Luke back for one last ride, like Han.” Instead we bitter bastard Luke who has given up on everything. Instead of “I’m here to rescue you!” we got “GET OFF MY LAWN!!”. I’ve read things like, “this makes the character more believable” or “it plays off earlier flaws”, but 1)NOTHING ABOUT STAR WARS IS BELIEVABLE. There’s no sound in space, light can’t make a saber, and yoda is a muppet (in TLJ a crappy looking one). The reason why star wars is for 12 year olds is its about imparting ideals and lessons in a mythic setting. Luke Skywalker is supposed to be larger than life, not a frail being. He is the idealization of the good guy, the boy scout archetype. Johnson seemed more interested in making yet another deconstructionist pile of junk than a true Star Wars movie.
That said I get why the critics liked it, the dialog is good, the main plot of Kylo and Rea was great, the Fin, Rose, Poe plot was middling, but the character development from FRP plot was good. I don’t get the hate for the jokes, to be honest they kept me watching after every crappy Luke scene. It’s a dark movie that needed gags, just like Empire did. But none of that good can overcome the bad of the betrayal of characterization of Luke Skywalker, the essence of what a Star Wars movie should be: a mythic morality tale wrapped in escapist fantasy.
It used to be Star Wars was the only franchise I would pay regular prices for, now it’s just like everything else. $5 Tuesday if that, more likely free from the library.

Help Wanted: Prequels/Clone Wars TV Hybrid Duology


After watching the Yoda arch of Lost Missions/Season 6 of Clone Wars I thought, “Wait, I could have had this instead of Episode 2?”

Additionally I have been enjoying JasonN’s Shadows of the Old Republic and a couple other all-in-ones.  These made me realize how little necessary story there is in Episode 2 and Episode 1 really is superfluous.

So my thought is taking the “good”/necessary bits (about half-hour) from Episode 2 adding on a Clone Wars arch that would tie in.  This would make up “the new” Episode One (trendy name TBD)

The New Episode 2 would be a hybrid of the Fives arch and Yoda Arch from Season 6.  I figure the fives arch would be very minimal, but intercut so we learn of the true meaning of order 66 while Yoda is battling Palpatine.

Episode 3…pick one.  I never thought this one was bad, there enough fan edits out there too.

THoughts/suggestions/anyone willing to work with me.  My external died, I’m going back to gradschool, and have small kids.  My time to do this is not abundant.

Thanks for any input.