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Slipstream 1989 (WIP)

I’ve kept tabs on this thread for almost a decade and worked with Rikk Wolf (my old account was zrfarnsworth) back in the day getting scans of both laserdiscs, etc. I even took a stab at combining the two to cover the subtitles, but I could never get it to a satisfactory level. I just want you to know what you are doing is so awesome and the trailer/making of look so good! Thank you for posting those and for the work you put into this. There are people out there, like me, who appreciate it!

Ladyhawke: RESCORED (Released)

I had a chance to watch this recently and I have to say the sound editing exceeded my expectations. There are very few instances where the sound effects are lowered or removed completely, but nothing that is distracting in any way. The dialogue is clear and the musical levels are good. I was surprised by how well the music matches up thematically in certain scenes. So kudos to the editor for hitting those marks.

To me watching this reminded me a lot of the Legend debate in terms of score. If you grew up with the contemporary Tangerine Dream score you probably prefer that vs the Jerry Goldsmith score which is more classical in approach. Having grown up with Ladyhawke, it’s very hard for me to remove the memory of the original score.

Overall, I did enjoy watching this edit. While the Lionheart score at times does feel a tad dated, it definitely is a more classical approach and provides an interesting alternative to the film. Great job to the editor and thank you for putting this together!