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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Dual Wield said:

It’s been a while since my last post, but I just wanted to share some ESB:R related material with you all. I came across a small clip of Adywan from the Fan-edit documentary “Fanarchy” that someone posted on youtube. It’s only three minutes long, but it introduces Adywan to us and his work on ESB:R.

SPOILER ALERT There are 3 new scenes in this clip at the 2:43 minute mark.


I had already seen the entire documentary, but I wanted to share this small clip with you all. I hope you enjoy it.

I was the one that uploaded it.


It was streaming on epix.com when it aired and captured that segment with Camtasia.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

topdawg193 said:

adywan said:

He forgot to also mention that the rod section on 3p0’s arm also breaks and is hanging off for the whole scene. Both have been fixed

Thought for sure I’d got you with that one! The attention to detail on this thing is incredible.

Just out of curiosity, were any of these errors fixed?

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Gorilla said:

adywan said:

xxtelecine 7xx said:

oh_riginal said:

Gorilla said:

ray_afraid said:

^Yeah, I’ve thought the same thing. None of the plans he’s announced contradict anything from TFA, but, we don’t know everything he has planned.

Actually, a BIG change he was planning on making was having Lando and the Falcon not making it out of the Death Star before it explodes. I believe Adywan said he wanted to give more weight to the scene in the Rebel hanger on Home One where Han believes he’ll never see the Falcon again after he loans it to Lando for the battle.

I’ve never had a problem with any of Adywan’s decisions he’s made in his revisions to this point, except this one. I don’t like it at all. I hope very much he has reconsidered.

Pretty sure that was revealed to just be a joke, and everyone just took it as gospel.

At this point I don’t see how he could clearly do this because the falcon lives in the new movies

Well Revisited is within its own canon as a 6 film saga. It isn’t meant to be viewed alongside the new films. It can’t possibly be made to fit in. As i have said before, if i wanted these films to perfectly match with whatever is coming up, then i wouldn’t even be able to start them until all of the films had been released. And people moan now about how long ESB is taking. Can you imagine what it would be like if i couldn’t start any of the other films until they had completely finished the episodic films? And who is to say they will stop at ep9?

So, it wouldn’t really matter if i did destroy the falcon and Lando along with it at the end of ROTJ 😉

I don’t care about your revisited edits fitting in with the ST, Adywan. I just don’t like the idea of Lando and the Falcon eating it.

What’s interesting about all this is when I first watched ROTJ, I strongly believed thats how the film was going to end.

Can’t say I had an issue with it.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

I know that it’s very early (and years away) to be talking about this now, but this goes out to Adywan.

I was reading in the links below about the changes you’ll be making for the PT:R and I was really impressed with the direction it’ll be going, but the changes that really stuck out to me were of creating new voice dubs and of reassembling the stories down to their basics.
https://apps.facebook.com/forumforpages/223279371020986/caad6178-ca1c-420d-b4f9-de685d4fd8a8/0 (last 2 questions)

Over the years I’ve been reading books from Joseph Campbell who was a major influence on Lucas in writing the story & characters for the OT and many of the themes of his works are present in ANH, ESB, and the ROTJ scenes involving Luke, Darth Vader, and the Emperor; these themes are an influence that I’ve always believed were heavily lacking in the Prequels and why on a script/writing level the films suffered.

If you get the chance over the years, I recommend taking a look into reading these books like “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” and “The Masks of God” for ideas in reassembling the stories for the PT:R as many of the themes/ideas from the OT that made it what it is today originated from these subjects and can do a lot of influence for reshaping the structure of the stories to what you’re trying to create.

I know it’ll be years from now before taking this into consideration, but hopefully this is something you can have filed away until the time comes.

Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

emanswfan said:

Hmm, I didn't think about that before.  That could be a possibility.

I'm sorry again for delays in clips and preview images, I always seem to get busier with real life the more I want to work on this project.  I truly never intended for it to take this long.

In reference to making the CG look like stop-motion, I've considered that as well but I don't see at as a priority.  But, I could check to see how it would look with Dex tonight, and post results soon enough.

Every screenshot on here looks really impressive. 
Unlike some of the other comments, take as much time as you need and don't rush it; go through every shot as many times as you need to till your 100% completely satisfied.

I also recommend looking into DaVinci Resolve.