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Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

d_j and Y_T,

As good as the V3 DVDs were, I would love to see V4s.  FWIW, I've been seeding the V3 DVDs since day one, and I think I've upped 30 full copies of the ISOs.  I'll be happy to do the same with the V4s.

It's a shame that the Bluray versions won't work for me though.  Even though I have a 65" 1080i TV, Bluray players refuse to trust it because of HDCP, and won't provide full-rate video.  Bluray is evil...  So if better DVDs are an option, I'll gladly support them!

THX 1138 "preservations" + the 'THX 1138 Italian Cut' project (Released)

msycamore said:

MeBeJedi said: 

I went back a few pages, but didn't find answers to the questions I had:


1) Are you using the Italian transfer for the entire film, including scenes with Italian writing onscreen?

2) Will there only be an Italian soundtrack with English subtitles?

As the Italian version is an entirely unique cut of the film with different editing and brief additional footage not included in either the US -"original cut" nor the 2004 "Director's Cut", the answer is yes on both of your questions, just Italian audio with english subs, the source is a a crude pan & scan transfer with a lot of compression artifacts and other nasties but it will be nice to have this nowadays rare Italian cut preserved in some way, especially for Italians but also for the rest of us who are interested in spotting the various differences and often hilarious liberties they took with the story when dubbing it.

Oh...  Then is there a recommended English preservation/restoration out there?

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

dark_jedi said:

LOL, looking at the leechers over at Spleen, it looks like some of the people that I sent the DVD's to are downloading these also, so it is up to you msycamore, to be honest, I am not sure if I would, especially if you don't really worry about chapters much, and you already know that the score is there, it's cool either way, just letting you know.

I'm getting on the torrent (leeching currently) so that I can seed for others.  As a beta-tester, I consider this part of my "payment", if you will, for getting an early look. And it's an honor to be involved in this effort, even if was just a tiny bit.

Thanks again D_J.  Really fantastic work.

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

DJ, Sorry for the delay in my review of V3 RoTJ.  (Baby's on the way and we're a little busy around the house.)

Again, fantastic.  Video is good, audio is good.  No complaints.

From my point of view, the V3 DVDs are my choice for viewing the OT.  I'd be happy to host an OT party and put them on for my friends to enjoy.

Also got a chance to put on the ESB Imperial Edition while doing house work in the living room.  That's a really neat ESB version, DJ.  Such beautiful music.  And the B&W just gives it that classy touch.

I'll get to the SE and JSC discs soon and let you know about those too.

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

Finished watching ESB V3 on 5.1.  Again, fantastic work DJ.

Hoth is blueish-white, Yoda is green, and Bespin is lovely.  Just as they should be.

I switched audio tracks occasionally and never noticed any sync issues.  All the tracks sound great.  The 5.1 really has the edge, imho.  The sound is so bright and crisp.

The hot lines are a fun touch.  My only suggestion on them is that instead of repeating, when the recording is finished the disc should jump back to the pick list and highlight the next recording.

Again, the LB is awkward.  It happens right as the meteor worm takes a bite at the Falcon.  I know it's not something you can fix DJ, I'm just documenting where it takes place if others are interested.

ROTJ after dinner...

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

I knew my TV over-scanned a lot on its DVI input (and it's rough getting my Linux box happy with it).  I didn't realize it was just as bad on the other inputs.  Now I know...   Guess I just have to get a new TV....  ;)

And now that Ash has confirmed the layer change is awkwardly placed, that might be the only real change I'd suggest before you release Star Wars V3 to the masses.

Watching ESB now.

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

Finished watching Star Wars V3.  Wow DJ.  Fantastic!

Video quality was excellent.  Colors were bright, faces were normal, clarity was great on my 65".

I mainly stayed on the 5.1 audio track, but here and there I would switch between tracks to check for sync.  Seemed fine to me.  Those explosions on the 5.1 track really got my sub going.

I do have some minor concerns.  I'll list them below.

1) At 1:00:33 when Vader says "I told you she would never consciously betray the rebellion.", the disc skips a bit.  On every audio track (minus the hidden one), the line ends up being "consciously betray the rebe-e-e-ellion".  I don't know if that was a burn error or if that's because of a layer change and my DVD player sucks...  It's a reasonably new LG (DN898).  If anyone has experience with this player b0rking layer transitions like this, then let me know.

2) Greedo's subtitles didn't stay on my screen.  I have a 65" Mitsubishi Medallion HD1080 rear-projection TV.  I was sending normal 480p signal to it (even though my LG can upscale to my TV's max @ 1080i).  Here are two pics that show what I saw.  When set to "480p Narrow" mode, you can see the full 16:9 image in a 4:3 area with gray bars to the left and right.  In those shots, the subs just barely fit.  When set to "480p Standard" mode, the right side of the subs bump into the edge and the left side of the subs start to disappear.    http://i.imgur.com/wo0Aj.jpg   http://i.imgur.com/klqtn.jpg   Even when I have my LG upscale to 1080i, I still lose the left edge.  The menu screen shows loss as well, the "S" and "W" are cut off about 1/3 the way in of each.  The cut off is probably my TV's overscan, but the subs are really close to the edge in Narrow mode.

Other than those two nit picks, a fantastic first disc!

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

I almost regret mentioning the green left edge now.  It was such a minor thing, and very clearly a GOUT source issue.  I wish I had noticed it a month ago when the screen caps were posted, but I really didn't notice it until I saw actual clips.   FWIW, I don't see it at all on the bonus clip from last week.  More evidence of a GOUT source problem.  Chalk it up as Yet Another Problem with the GOUT, I suppose.

I'll say it again, though...  DJ you've done a fantastic job.  Hands down, the best original trilogy release ever.  This will probably be the version I pass down to my kids.  ;)  

Anyone that is truly complaining about something you did or didn't do to their liking?  Ungrateful asshats, the lot of them.

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

Here's a few screen caps from a prior post of yours DJ (#1168 in this thread) that shows it.  I'm confident this is a GOUT thing.  I can't think of any post-processing that would cause this.  (I don't even know if it's possible to fix, though, without some high-tech digital grading software.  I'll just learn to ignore it.  No biggie.)


See the left side of the door: http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/1346/27520843.png

The left-most ST: http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/2638/c11p.png

Again, the left-most ST: http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/1531/36429331.png

I retract my complaint about the green in the MKV.  It's in everything, so it's not an MKV problem.  MKV gets an A+ on video quality from me.  

What about the audio popping?  Anyone else?

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

DJ - For what it's worth, I played it on my reasonably calibrated 15" MBP hi-res laptop screen.  The green is evident there too, at least to me.  It is pretty faint (on both screens), but it's most noticeable when a white wall pans or a storm trooper walks off the screen.   The more I look at it, given that it's so constant and so close to the edge, I'd have to say it's part of the source, a defect of the transfer...  Am I crazy here?  Does no one else see it?

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)

Great sample DJ.

A few things I noticed (but may be because of the source, not your work).   I watched it on my 65" using my HTPC.   The left edge of the screen has a green tint to it.  It bleeds about 1/10 of the way in.  There's also a small green tint area in the top right of the screen.  They are constant through the whole clip.  Also, the audio popped three times, each time when an explosion occurred: when the communications dish is destroyed, when the storm troopers blow down the door, and when the escape pod launches.  It could be audio clipping...  I'm pretty sure it's not my system as explosions are a common occurrence in the movies I watch and I've never noticed it.

@Tobar: I believe the flickering you see is DVNR.  I see it too.  The eye holes in the storm trooper masks kinda move up and down as the helmet moves down and up...  If that's not DVNR, then that might need to be fixed.

That being said...  even with the minor things I noticed...  it was great!

Info Wanted: My chance to buy an X9... (Pioneer HLD-X9 LD player)

I just found a guy close to me that wants to sell his Pioneer HLD-X9 LD player.  I’d like to buy it if the price is right.  What would y’all consider a fair price for an X9 in good working condition?

I primarily plan on just playing my LDs, but if I can wrangle up some video capture equipment, I’d certainly help with LD captures for the community.