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rob hodge

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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

hey- i've been trying to get ahold of the despecialized editions that harmy has done so i can properly introduce my 7 year old son to star wars. 

damned george lucas has tipped my hand  by seling to disney, and with them planning a new one they will start showing up on the little tykes radar sooner rather than later. 

Me and my wife had a laugh when we realized we have put more thought and effort into protecting him from the new special edition versions than we had put into protecting him from hard drugs and strangers!

Thing is, we've only got standard definition here at my house, but i am having one hell of a time finding ay of the despecialized editions as non blue-ray versions. I even tried to message the user mentioned in the version 1 release threads as having generated them, but he says he put them up on usenet as binaries months ago and i've been unable to track them down via that route.  I'm ok with having to fiddle a bit to master and burn them, but down converting to NTSC and making sure i get a all the file formats and settings right seems a bit daunting.

if you could help me get my son introduced properly, i'd be very grateful.


Rob Hodge

Jedi Knights Scooter Club