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Wookie Groomer's 1080p Star Wars Saga project (Released)

I downloaded the par2 verification file from Usenet and checked all the RAR files using par2verify. The files passed the par2 check. Since RAR runs a CRC during file uncompression (as you mentioned), it's unlikely there was a problem in the un-rar process.

As of now, this is the state of affairs on my Mac (2.0GHz Core Duo, OS X 10.4):

  -VLC 0.8.6: Plays nothing

  -Quicktime: Plays audio, does not play video

  -WMP for Mac: Plays audio, does not play video

  -MPlayer: Plays video (poorly), does not play audio

  -VLC 1.0.0: Plays video, does not play audio

If anyone has any pointers on how to play both WVC1 and WMA9 in a single player on OS X, I'm all ears. Thanks to Wookie Groomer for this release, and thank you, adywan, for the reply, and for all the work you've done for the community.

Wookie Groomer's 1080p Star Wars Saga project (Released)


I managed to get my hands on Wookie Groomer's 1080p/13GB release of Episode IV: A New Hope*, but I've been having a hell of a time playing the video properly on my Mac (I can get either the video or the audio to play, but never both within the same player). Life is difficult.

Those problems aside, I believe that my copy may be corrupt. I didn't find any SFV file for the RARs on Usenet, so I have no way of confirming that my download or unrar'd file is correct. Can anyone provide either md5sums or SFVs for both the RARs and the extracted video of Wookie Groomer's release?

I pulled the 274 RAR files from Usenet via Giganews yesterday (the upload is about 220 days old). I am posting a list of the files and md5sums here:


Post script: I have no idea why this post is white, and why I can't change it. This is the first time in 8 years of online forum activity that I've ever encountered something like this.