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Harry Potter Extended Editions (Released)

JJPotter, just wanted to thank you (just as everyone else has been doing) for your hard work, effort, time invested, and involvement in creating your specialized versions of Harry Potter. They truly are the best way to watch the movies with the added content, and I was hoping you could do the same for the remaining Fantastic Beasts movies to close the book so to say. Like everyone, I’m bummed that this has happened and we all support you for the content you worked hard putting together but also sharing it with those that really had a similar interest in the movies in their best form.

Keep your head up and I truly thank you for all you have done!!!

I hope the rest of the movies can get a similar treatment when the time comes from none other than yourself!


Harry Potter Extended Editions (Released)

JJPotter said:

I have a draft completed and I’m having someone do a viewing for me to see if any changes need to be made. I’ve looked at the featurettes on the blu-ray and see a lot more scenes were shot at the beginning with Credence that is making me consider working those in as well. It isn’t a finished project at this point.

Great, thank you so much for the update!

Harry Potter Extended Editions (Released)

JJPotter said:

I’ve had several people ask if I will be doing an extended version of Crimes of Grindelwald when it comes out later this month. I have seen the official extended cut that was put out and apart from a couple of cut scenes, all of the other deleted scenes are already in place. I’m not a fan of them putting “Deleted Scene” in the bottom corner of each when it was inserted into the movie, so I will likely go in overlay clips from the deleted scenes to get rid of that text for my own personal collection. But there really isn’t a lot additional to add in order to release my own version.

I am toying with the idea of using the clips that were not reinserted into Crimes of Grindelwald and insert them into the credits of Fantastic Beasts, since they feel like they belong there more than in the second movie. I just haven’t decided at this point.

Hoping you are able to release your version of Crimes of Grindelwald to keep the string of quality releases alive!!! Definitely looking forward to your version and fingers crossed you make one available!