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Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

hairy_hen said:

I strongly advise against letting a conversion program make AC3 out of the DTS-HD MA.  Dolby Digital encoding has several user-defined parameters which I specifically set a certain way to optimize the sound quality as well as to maintain the integrity of the mix.  It is quite likely that the results will be subpar if this kind of transcoding is performed, because it won't follow my intentions and the result will not match what it is supposed to sound like.  The level and relative phase of the surrounds and LFE can be harmed significantly if this is done incorrectly.

Also, the official Dolby encoder has a more capable algorithm than any freeware version, so my AC3 will definitely be better.  As has been stated, remux the video and audio into the required format without re-encoding either in order to maintain quality and deliver the proper results.

 That sounds like something I would love to do with SW 2.5(until MKV for ESB comes out). I would like to watch it on my PS3, but I only have a pair of powered speakers connected to it for the moment so DTS is out of the question. I would like to combine the MKV at the highest bitrate (15000 ?) with the AVCHD 2.0 mix. I have a muxing software, but not sure what to do with it. I guess I need to extract the video part from MKV, then the audio from AVCHD, then recombined into new MKV, then convert to mp4?

Just getting started with this stuff, and only because of you guys work on those SW movies.

Thanks for any tips on how to achieve this.

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

hairy_hen said:

You know what?  I wasn't going to do this, but since I have the most recent version of ABC's score restoration, I'm going to assemble a GOUT-synched isolated score from that, starting right now.

The sound quality of his latest effort is better than what's on the existing edited version, so it will be worthwhile.  Assuming I don't run into any unexpected difficulty, it shouldn't take long to complete.

35mm stereo mix is now finished, aside from final quality check.

 Fantastic! my favorite SW score by far, and I think it's one of JW's best ever. 

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

Zer0Squared said:

ricsim88 said:

Not sure if anybody encountered this but when loaded on ipad as mp4 the playback freezes then turns black. the audio track is still going though. It's fine when played on the pc as the same file. 

Thank you so much for doing this, it's incredible. 

 No problem here.  What app are you using to play it with?

I've played it successfully with CineXPlayer and VLC.

 Forgot to mention. Tried to play it from ps3 to tv with same result. No picture whatsoever. Should I try saving it as a mts?
