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Star Wars: Renascent *** NOW AVAILABLE!!! ***

A-dog! Got the digi file and the surround audio, and will be compiling the MKV tonight. I did a test compile render, and it whipped it up in like less than two minutes. So, we should be good by this evening for the full surround mkv. However, I did notice that the image looked a bit streached vertically. Do you mind if I do a slight tweak to correct the height?

I'm so stoked to watch the edit! I'll have to try to duck out of some work this evening and see if I can get my Reny on!

Star Wars: Renascent *** NOW AVAILABLE!!! ***

Asteroid-Man said:

Why not just rip the footage from the DVD once it's up to make an MKV? The footage I was working with was all 720x360 anyways. Only difference is that the digital copy I made is an MP4 and in Stereo.

I can...   but it's always better to get it from the raw footage, if possible. DVD is such a $*&(#^ in my opinion. I started all my original editing with it, and have seen time and time again how it loses quality depending on the size, the generation of re-edits, and length...  The transcoding process always seems to leave me unimpressed, which I found out over two years of editing together the Back To The Future trilogy.

Your call, budd. We're all your faithful supporters, and just want to basque in the glory that is Asteroidiness.
But I really don't have a problem with doing some penpal assistance, if you're interested.

So, did I miss the links? Because if it's up for download, I'm all over this like women on me.

Star Wars: Renascent *** NOW AVAILABLE!!! ***

The Aluminum Falcon said:

By the way, photocactivist, I liked your Ewokless ROTJ. Ever plan a full DVD?

You saw my Ewokless!? Wow... my one fan. Thank you!
Actually, my original production of it was a dvd. Shall I upload it?


A-Man, I'll totally be willing to help out if you want to coordinate some kind of data exchange through the post. Depending on what editing program you used and the size of the raw footage, maybe I can mail you an external drive to dump it all on and I can whip up an MKV for you.

Star Wars: Renascent *** NOW AVAILABLE!!! ***

Asteroid-Man said:

Is WMV ok for a digital copy? And what size do most people go with for Digital Copies? I've got a 1.8GB WMV file for the Digital Copy - I'm rendering an MP4 though, so it can be played on a Mac and also because they are much smaller.


I might suggest an MKV...  They are incredibly vivid HD files that fully support surround sound. The next choice would be MP4. Both are very good HD files to use for videophiles like ourselves. In my opinion, size isn't as important as quality; I'd much rather spend two days downloading something than two hours if it will look better.

WMV is kind of the brat of the pack, and I wouldn't typically let it wipe my unborn child's bum...  but I am just not too keen on it. And AVI's are not the once splendid glory they once were...

Looks like I'm a bit late in my suggestion reply, but if you want to go back for the MKV, I would give it high marks on filmmaker's preference. I use Avidemux and Handbrake (both of which are freeware) to render them.