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JasonN's PT FanEdits (Attack of the Federation, Twilight of the Republic, & The Black Knight Rises) (Released) ** Revised V3 Cuts In The Works

and for the Windu and Anakin talk scene.... maybe you can make Anakin feel and seem to be more rejected. 


Cutting after "are you sure?"

and jumping to "for your own good, stay out of this affair, i sense a great deal of cofusion..."


and then jumping again to "wait in the jedi chamber until we return", avoiding the "trust or not" words Windu says... He must seem that he does not trust Anakin for Anakin to hate them and go to save Palpatine!!

lol this is fun.

that way, you can keep the silent scene after this one... and we can understand Anakin to feel hate, desperate and towards the strong republic Palpatine needs.

There is a need for us not to see Anakin getting into his ship too. Finding Anakin there must be  a surprise. We left him suffering, in the quiet scene, so why know that he is already going there.

And in the dialogue between Palpatine and Anakin, after they kill Windu, could be shorter. I would try to make Anakin be as quiet as he can be. He is under control of Palpatine already, and we know that.

"I pledge.. bla bla bla" "thank you"

That's a turn off. Let Palpatine speak. You are his slave now.

When Anakin asks "What about the other Jedis in the galaxy?" that is good.


If you agree and could use any of these comments, I would be greateful! 

JasonN's PT FanEdits (Attack of the Federation, Twilight of the Republic, & The Black Knight Rises) (Released) ** Revised V3 Cuts In The Works

since I am here and you are still working on your final versions... just two suggestions.. heheh sorry I can't help it!


- on Geonosis, in Twilight of the Republic, please make Padme be already standing on the sand with the clone trooper, I hate that she is laying on the sand like she is unconscious, and when the trooper says.. ARE YOU OK?? She replies: .... Yes. And she stands up like nothing happenned lol

- and about Anakin turning bad in the Black Knight Rises... if you could make that Windu just feels it in the force, and goes to see Palpatine.... somehow.... meanwhile Anakin is suffering, thinking about what Palpatine said. and decides to go and then meets the mess there.... his thoughts about his mom, losing her because he was away, obeying the Jedi Council... and being left apart by the Council, also the need for a strong Republic, because the weaker Gallactic Republic is not enough.... his thoughts about losing Padme at the end, the stronger ones... maybe you could use some sentences, in the sound only, like he is remembering them.... using the silent scene when we only see Padme and Anakin,.... I don't know, I know it is hard to do.


Cheers again!

JasonN's PT FanEdits (Attack of the Federation, Twilight of the Republic, & The Black Knight Rises) (Released) ** Revised V3 Cuts In The Works

thank you for the quick replies!

Absolutely, I meant Padme :-D

I guess I am watching too many Star Wars in too few time!! lol


And maybe I am a bit dumb sometimes :-D but yes, I would prefer no name at all too, for both babies. Mystery works better.


I think JasonN's work is brilliant, and leaves the first 2 episodes near perfect (as perfect as they can be), but I found the third one the "worst" one, as far as the edited cut go...

I still find I need a stronger feeling from Anakin for him to turn to the dark side, that's the key point. I feel that the scene when you just see him and Padme, and their distance in Coruscant... between the Jedi Council tower, and the Senator's palace... and silence... you have to imagine Anakin's doubts, and Padme's doubts... then it works better... but, you know, Anakin just did the right thing, he tells Windu about the Sith... then he changes his mind and goes towards Palpatine because he is concerned about Padme's future demise... we should see him more troubled, suffering...

I think that if the story at that point could be a bit more strong it would be a really great achievement....

I don't know.... Like mixing stronger moments or sentences against Anakin from Windu be more reluctand when he tells him about the sith.. also, somehow reminding the moments the Jedi Council let him down, Palpatine pushing him more after Windu's killing.... pushing him against the Jedi Council and for the Republic and against the separatists too...

but of course that would mean changing the dialogues it is not a cutting work...

I still feel he could change his mind any moment lol

But it is a terrific job no doubt and definitely a huge improvement on Lucas' movies. 

Thanks again.

JasonN's PT FanEdits (Attack of the Federation, Twilight of the Republic, & The Black Knight Rises) (Released) ** Revised V3 Cuts In The Works

Hello there!


First of all, thank you JasonN! Thank you so much for the work you have done, summing up this edits and adding your own work.


I just watched your edit version of the prequels by George Lucas and I can say that your work is amazing... I like the movies! It is impressive what you could make out of them.

I loved the feeling I got after watching the 2 first movies. The third one, I was a little confused.


But of course I wanted to ask you for a favour.... I downloaded the .avi files to watch the movies, now I know I want to keep them at the best quality I can get.

(I am a legal owner of the George Lucas's cuts. The standard movies. As many of you are, I got them in VHS, many times, then in DVD... I may not be getting them in Bluray, for obvious reasons)


So I downloaded Attack of the Federation DVD 4.5Gb size, with DVD quality. My question is: could you please confirm the dlc, torrent or link for the DVDs of Twilight of the Republic or The Black Knight Rises? The ones that Fanedit.org links to, they don't work for me :(


Also I got a question that I need to ask... maybe I am dumb, but why does Leia only give birth to Luke? Maybe this is something I am missing of the Star Wars story...


Thanks so much, again!!