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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Hmm, I posted a question in here a couple days ago, but can't find my original post or a response to my question.

I've read that you are making the TIE Fighters blue.  Why are you doing this?  I prefer the gray TIEs.  Just want to know what your reason is for blue-tinted TIEs.  If the TIEs are consistent across all the movies, that is also a bonus, :)

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

That model looks AMAZING.  I just listened to your Podcast with Star Wars Expanded Fandom.  You are doing great work.

I know suggestions are closed.  I recall that you are making the TIE Fighters blue.  What is your reasoning behind that?  I never liked the blue TIEs...but if you have a good explanation and reason for it, then I can get on board with it.

How the Special Edition Should Have Been

The Special Editions always make me sad.

The first intent was to go back and fix problems, correct colors, remove garbage mattes, clean up general mistakes and things that are artifacts of the time.  This is GOOD!

Next, they added in some things like CGI X-Wings and cleaned things up that were limited technologically.  These are OKAY.  Not necessary and mess with the integrity of the historical product, but they are okay additions, though they have not aged so well.

Then, they added in junk that RUINED the film and really made things look bad.  Extended scenes, cut scenes that were cut for a reason, elements to make things look grander.  These in most cases have become eye-sores.  Jabba added to ANH.  Unnecessary, ruins the mystery, AND was terribly executed!

The perfect Special Edition would be first, a restoration and cleanup of technical issues and problems of the original movies, fix colors, sound, etc.  This would then be the ORIGINAL version.  Then for a Special Edition, some deleted scenes could be included (if up to the same level as the rest of the movie), some CGI tweaks and added elements if done VERY well.

I get the sense that things were cut originally because of tech limitations, story, etc., but when Lucas added them back in, he forgot why they were cut in the first place.  The Jabba scene always comes up.  It isn't needed and it was done very well.  The same level of scrutiny was not applied to the original cuts and special edition cuts.  No way that Jabba craps gets through on a legitimate Star Wars production schedule.