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D+80 - Empire Strikes Back - 4K Theatrical Reconstruction (Released)

pat man said:

Moiisty said:

so is this better than 4k80 or close?

4k80 is not even done yet. No idea when it’ll be released, they are taking there time and making sure everything is in order.
4K80 will be true to the Original edits of the film. D+80 uses either the Disney+ (v1.x) and UHD (v2.x)(v2.1 is the newest). D+80 is a reconstruction of the original theater version. It mainly uses the 4k 2019 masters as a source, but with the Special Editions changes replaced with 35mm film scans.

Hello everyone,

I have watched version 2.1 of this amazing edit about four times and I honestly did not notice any changes that were missed personally. The only change that was not changed back to the original theatrical version was the logo on the correct side of the imperial officer in the end, which was different from the original 1980 version.

Other than that, everything else seems to be pretty much the original theatrical version to me.

D+77 - Star Wars - 4k Theatrical reconstruction (Released)

What changes were missed in this awesome edit?

The changes that I noticed were:

  • R2-D2 and C-3PO’s escape pod cover on Tatooine remained grey and was not changed back to blue.

  • Darth Vader’s lightsaber stayed red when Luke blasted the door on the Death Star.

  • The detention hall’s hallway remained altered with the special edition version when Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewbacca were attempting to escape.

These were the only changes that I noticed which were not restored to the theatrical version; otherwise, everything else was pretty much originally unaltered and theatrical.