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My Star Wars original trilogy restoration/preservation project (* unfinished project *)

I can see that you lot aren't gonna be interested, but you don't have to blatantly patronize me with your comments. I've been working on this project for some time, and I am satisfied with how it looks. That's all that matters.

It's cool if it's not up to your tastes, but you don't have to be so insulting about it.
I'm going to carry on this project for myself, as was originally intended, I was just reccomended to post my project here by a friend to see if it would gain any interest so don't try to make out that I'm trolling!

My Star Wars original trilogy restoration/preservation project (* unfinished project *)

Hey guys, this is my first time posting here.

I was directed to this site by a friend who I’ve shown early stages of my project to.

My intention is to restore the films to their original forms as close as possible, using the 2004 DVD set as my primary source. After years of research, I’ve found a way to significantly increase the quality of the 2006 Laserdisc master image, to the point where it seamlessly blends with the 2004 DVD release.

http://i40.tinypic.com/vnpdu0.jpg - Here is a picture I’ve uploaded, a side by side comparison. What sort of interest would this generate amongst you guys?