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Team Negative1 - The Empire Strikes Back 1980 - 35mm Theatrical Version (Released)

Wideload said:

SS4DarthPayne said:

Loving the updates. I'm sure you guys here it a lot, but it's worth repeating: thank you so much for the work you're putting in. I have been following this project for years, and I cannot wait to it all come to fruition. I don't comment a lot, but I'm sure I speak for a large number of other similarly silent observers that I know are just as excited as I am. Keep up the great work

I would like to echo the above!!  I'm a fairly silent follower as I have little by way of expert knowledge or opinion that I can contribute - simply that I follow the work on this project across the three films and am so grateful for everything being done for the fans.  

As SS4DarthPayne said - "keep up the great work" 

I third that! I don't post here as I also have little to contribute, but I have been following this with mounting excitement for about 5 years. I loved Grindhouse and can't wait to see the finished products. Thanks for all your hard work.

Team Negative1 - Return of the Jedi 1983 - 35mm Theatrical Version (unfinished project)

fmalover said:

Nocturnaloner said:

fmalover said:

That last comment makes me feel sad. I myself love film projectors and watching a movie in 3-strip Cinerama and 70mm film are my only remaining assignments to complete my Cinematic experience.

 By 3-strip Cinerama, do you mean the original 3 camera setup?  Does that exist anywhere?

 I once read there are still a few of those the States and some European countries, and for some reason the one I remember best is one in Seattle which yes, is the original 3-projector setup.

 Also the National Media Museum in Bradford, UK.