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Sometimes do you feel like you should give up on the cause?
I often feel like giving up, because the young fans who believe in all the CGI changes often become very nasty on other message boards, and disrepectful of other people's opinions.

I believe that the fans who have grown up loving Star Wars without all these added scenes, changed diologue, etc, deserve to have the movie the way we love it on DVD. I just don't see what's so outrageous about that. He can remake the whole movie with CGI for all I care-as long as he gives us the original movie in it's original spirit on DVD.

Zion wrote
The second type of fans are those who first experienced the saga after 1997. They either aren't familar with or do not cherish the originals the way the others do. These are the fans who say things like "Jar-Jar should be in A New Hope," or "Han Solo looks cooler dodging Greedo's shot!"

These are the fans that frustrate me. I feel like they do no understand what the O-OT means oto people or what it stands for.

Someone else mentioned the heard mentality. All the more reason to keep up the cause.
Why Sebastian is better..
These are my reasons, just a personal opinion:

Because I cannot take Lucas trying to make the prequels 'match up' with the OT.

It looks out of place, Luke just unmasked Shaw on the death star so it should be the same person he unmasked. If Lucas believed in his own logic, why isn't Qui Gonn there?

Hayden Christensen is terrible (IMO) in the first place, why must pop up in the OT?

It's just another excuse for Lucas to change for the sake of change.