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Master Lawdog

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Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

Here’s something interesting I came across. While I do agree that I’m not a fan of the high pitched voices for the battle droids, and while most of it has been removed from this edit, there are still some bits and pieces you can hear it. This guy here attempts to replace them all using voice clips taken from video games from the 2000s such as the original Battlefront games and the Revenge of the Sith game.

Harry Potter: Enhanced Editions (Audiobooks) (Released)

Starwarsfreak011 said:

Hey, Master Lawdog. I finally finished Deathly Hallows a couple months ago. Great job. Your work was a great help in getting me through the latter half of the series in particular as I’m not much of an avid reader. I have to really be in the right mindset for it, and I need certain things to help keep me focused. I have a friend who’s a big Harry Potter fan, hasn’t read the books in a long time, and has been looking to do so again. I told them to give your audiobooks a try. Do you think I could get a link from you that I can then forward to them?

PM sent! Thank you for the feedback! I’m always glad to make others happy. I hope your friend enjoys these.