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MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)

sorry for being lazy but reading all 30 pages is gonna take me forever...


is there a link for the dvd with the extra subs by ADM and Hal9000 on it.  or is there anyone who could pif it to me? im in the uk btw.


while the links on linktalk are aresome they only have the original MF subs and they are hardocded.



Originally posted by: adywan
Originally posted by: nOmArch
just curious, what up with 3P0's silver right leg? quite a lot of shots over the entire movie he has a silver right shin.

and outstanding work btw Adywan!! absolutely love your edit!!

3P0 has always had one silver leg in ANH. I guess because of the horrible colours of the 2004 DVD's that fact seems to have been lost because you are not the only one to have commented on that. One guy actually said that he was a huge star wars fan and that i needed to learn how to do colour correction correctly because i have screwed the colour of 3PO's leg and made it look silver.

thanks for the heads up Ady! it was such an obvious 'mistake' i was pretty sure that it was something you knew about already or was originally broken.

Highlander 2 Renegade Serious Edition (Released)
Hiya DrakeRetro,

sorry for late reply i haven't been near this board for a while. if you're still up for doing the cover i'd be very interested to see what you come up with! my amateurish attempts at making a cover have been not great to say the least.

if you're interested send me an email to nomarch(at)lineone(dot)net

regards and thanks for your offer!


Highlander 2: Serious Edition Cover Art

im looking for someone who could make up some DVD cover art for my fanedit, Highlander 2: Serious Edition. I've had a go myself but couldn't find anything of a high enough res so the cover is a little blurry.

heres my effort.


i really like the french cover but i think the zeist edition edit is going to be using that and i dont want to tread on any toes.

if anyone wants to have a go i would really appreciate it as art is really not my strong point..



Fanedit details here.
Highlander 2 Renegade Serious Edition (Released)
all sounds very good!!!, i guess i got lucky with #5 as it cut perfectly. i definitely like the idea of joining the two quickenings together i think that could work!

by demons do you mean a certain site that has oid in its title? if so i can up it there but im hamstrung with only 25k up i dont spose you live in europe? i could always PIF it to you.
Highlander 2 Renegade Serious Edition (Released)
that sounds fantastic!! i'd love to have a look at what you've done! i think losing the second quickening isnt a bad thing at all, i tried really hard to cut the frankly godawful electric cable decapitation scene but again couldn't find relevent cut points it always felt like there was a jump and not just a cut to another angle/scene if you get me.

i'll watch the segment again tomorrow and see what i can come up with.

btw have you seen my edit yet? as i'd really like to hear a perspective other than mine on the sequence to see whether what i cut flowed or not.
Highlander 2 Renegade Serious Edition (Released)
Originally posted by: Mitch
I like this idea, looks good kid ;-)

But myself, I m a diehard Highlander II fan, I like it all even if it's silly!!!

BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

I would add back in the banging sex against the wall scene, the movie needs that scene. Besides, the poor guy hadn;t had sex in over 30 years, give him a break. She had it coming!!!!

- Biff

hadn't thought about it like that, although to be fair he does have a great shagging scene in the unrated version of HL3 (soft core anyone?), its a shame they couldn't of had more alleyway scenes then i could of addded it back in a little later on in the film and it would of made a lot more sense than hi hello im macleod yes and im vriginia madsen, hmmm lets fuck

Highlander 2 Renegade Serious Edition (Released)

if i could of removed the hoverboard dual, believe me i would! i just couldn't find good enough cut points that would of flowed properly so i decided to leave it in, i did remove as much of it as possible though i like your idea for taking out the hoverboard scene but i wasn't quite brave enough to remove that amount of footage in own fell swoop. i may go back to it and have a bash at a total removal of the henchmen/porcupine guys, of course if you wanna have a go at it then be my guest.

i also really enjoyed Connerys scenes but the drunk womans laughing also really pissed me off, just sounded really fake to me and the safety video was in equal measure stupid and silly; highlander always had its funny moments but they were always believable.

the shithead lines just didnt fit with his character, to me Ramirez was always cool and suave. i spose in retrospect his retort to the actor was in character, although im sure he would know what a shithead was already i removed the other one because i always thought the punk was complimenting him so to me he was just being rude for no reason.


well i hope you enjoy it! i'd be really interested to get all you guys' feedback on my first attempt at editing a movie.


er premiere or direct rotoscoping maybe?
Highlander 2 Renegade Serious Edition (Released)

After watching the excellant Highlander 2 Zeist Edition i contacted the makers
asking if they were ever going to do a restored version of the Renegade edition
with the extra scene back in as that was the one i HAD to see. i was informed
that my best bet would be to get the Renegade Special Edition as that was
basically what i wanted to see. sans scene obviously.

anyway, long story shot i got the dvd and being directly inspired by the
incredible work done on the zeist edition i thought i’d have a go at a bit of
fanediting myself. Here is the result.

hope someone out there enjoys it!

Highlander 2 Renegade Serious Edition

What is it about? This is supposed to be a more serious and less annoying edit of
HL2 Renegade

tagline: There There should of been only one…
original film name: Highlander 2 Renegade Special Edition
new film name : Highlander 2 Renegade Serious Edition

edit crew name : nOmArch
Date Original Film Was Released : 1 November 1991
Date Edit Was Released : 26 April 2007
Original Runtime : 108 Mins
New Runtime : 104 Mins
Cuts removed/added/extended : 1min added / 5 Minremoved

Fanedit details:


1 Removed Katana complaining about the sentencing of Connor and Ramirez

2 Removed most of dialogue with two henchmen now they are told to go to earth and
kill Connor then they leave with no silly laughing.

3 Removed more laughing when two henchmen find Connor and joined the
‘MaCleod’ line to what was left to flesh it out slightly also removed the ‘lucky
guess’ line as it is now redundent.

4 Removed dumb and whiney ‘let me have him, but i want him, its my turn’ lines

5 Removed closeup of henchman laughing after shooting at Connor on metal stairs.

6 Removed police car arriving and then being blown up by 1 shot from henchmans
gun and more laughing. makes fight scene flow much better

7 Removed a small laughing scene after Connor gets hit by the back of the truck.
didnt remove all the laughter as henchman thinks Connor is dead so is justified
in laughing a little bit. also helps with continuity a bit.

8 Removed stupid comedy scene where tramp asks for a light from flying henchman
and gets blown to smithereens.

9 Removed ‘shithead’ from Ramirez’s ‘farewall shithead’ line.

10 Removed Connor/Louise sex scene it now looks like they just kiss.

11 Removed another shithead line after a punk congratulates ramirez on his

12 Removed the ‘Psychic Cook’ TV ad.

13 Removed Katanas ‘this sure doesn’t look like kansas’ line and the silly split
screen tv/Katana shot of the punk looking at him. now Katana just looks at the
punk and then grabs him.

14 Subway Train sequence heavily cut to slow it down to a more sensible speed ie

140mph, all scenes of people flying around in the coach have been removed.
(really really pleased with how this came out)

15 Taxi scene heavily edited to remove stupid/redundent dialogue

16 Drunk woman and plane safety video removed.

17 Removed Ramirez’s introduction line from the MAX entrance. now Connor just
asks which direction vegas is.

18 Removed Louises ‘outstanding’ line after Katana is run over, it was just plain

19 Removed the ‘always play the favourite’ line cos again it was stupid.

20 Removed Katanas ‘then again maybe not’ line after killing David Blake. He
wouldnt of cared what Blake thought.


the Connor/Louise/soldier fight on the way to the control room.
Fanedit details :

Sources Used: Highlander 2: The Quickening, Highlander 2: Renegade Special

Audio is AC3 5.1.
Static Menu


Edit INfo
Scene Selection

Your intention for this fanedit:

To make this a more serious and less annoying edit of HL2 Renegade
Your way to achieve your intention:

Insert scene from HighLander 2: The quickening
remove as much silly/comedy stuff as possible
Hardware and software information:

VirtualDubMod 1.5
Womble MPEG Video Wizard DVD
Paintshop Pro 9
DVDLab Pro 2

Additional Comment:

This is my first effort, please be kind
Time needed for the edition: About 8 hours

persons involved: 1

you can grab it from fanedit.org.

once again a big thank you to Phineas and Nighthawk for doing such a fabulous job
on HL2 and for inspiring me to have a go myself at this editing game.

Sample Rate Woes
thats what i thought originally, which is why i then converted the audio to mp3 for both files. but no what i posted above is the actual error message (near enough) it definitely says error in the video streams sample rates are different.

maybe its a frame problem (looking at the error message numbers ie 23.976) but i made sure i converted the clip to 23.976 which is the same as the movie.
Sample Rate Woes
i am trying to reinsert the Virginia Madsen shooting scene at the end of Highlander 2: the Quickening into the Renegade Edition in VirtualDub 1.6.

only problem is when i try to insert the clip i get an error message saying that the video streams do not share a common sample rate.

First Stream (main movie) 00005dc0/000003e9 23.97602

Second Stream (clip) 00989680 / 00065d3b 23.97604

both streams have been reencoded with DivX Mpeg-4 at 1305 bitrate and the audio downmixed to mp3 (movie was 5.1 AC3) clip wasn't 5.1

but i still get the same error message. im very new to this editing stuff so am i doing something really dumb or just missing a vital part of the procedure.

thanks for your help!


Phineasbg/ HIGHLANDER II: Extended Versions (Released)
hehe beat me to it yeah it ends with them kissing after blowing up the shield.

EDIT: Just wanted to say what a great job you guys did with this!! i thoroughly enjoyed all the extra scenes and the new sfx (i never saw the special renegade edition). one thing i was wondering is are you guys planning to do a, i spose, you'd call it the extended special renegade edition. basically it retains all the wonderful stuff that has been done with the zeist version but keeps the change of history from zeist to distant earth past? (i never could get on with the alien idea) and thanks again for doing such a brilliant job with the edit!
Idea &amp; Info: a Dune Fan Edit thread...
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but it seems the most relevent. could someone point me towards somewhere where i can acquire Fanfiltrations dune edit? ive been looking around everywhere for it but haven't had any luck yet i've seen ADM's dune workprint and was completely blown away by what he has achieved!

I then heard about Fanfiltrations edit and have been looking ever since! also has anybody managed to transfer it to widescreen like ADM's version yet? or is that still someway off. im really excited by the new edits in the pipeline, being able to see the 'give water to the dead' scene actually in the movie would be a dream come true!! are there any others threads on the moard that has some up to date info on them?

many thanks!!